Perfect temperature ?


Active Member
i noticed when my grow room gets hot, my babies love it and show increase of leaves and flower production, they seem to get very healthy when it gets hot in there

i dont have a thermonitor so i dont know what exact temp it is, all i know its hot in there.

does anyone know the exact magic number? thanks!

p.s. they are in flower mode right now


Active Member
My babies like it 77. Every strain is different, as stated by Paperhouse. Mid to high 70's is ideal in most cases.


Well-Known Member
they can hermie if you go too high but were talking 86-90degrees and up.

same goes if its too cold. you don't want your daytime temps lower than the mid 70s imo.

i always try to keep my grow room inbetween 75-83 at all times. i find the plants respond best to it. during flowering (for certain strains) i'll lower the nighttime temps down to high 50's and low 60s to get the plants to change colors (especially purple varieties or others known to change colors under low nighttime temps)

i don't know the "magic number" though.


Active Member
There really is no magic number, there are simply too many variables. You have to get to know your particular strain, and establish the right balance through trial and error. From my experience, it's best to try and emulate the daytime/nighttime temperatures and humidity levels of the region where your plant would naturally grow. For example, Sativa dominant strains, which naturally grow in equatorial regions, will tolerate and even prefer slightly higher temperatures and humidity. Indica dominant strains, on the other hand, naturally grow in more temperate climates. If you're starting with bagseed, well, your guess is as good as mine. Vegetative marijuana plants will grow more vigorously in a warm moist atmosphere, but I would suggest lowering the temps and humidity levels gradually once flowering in induced. Your plants will appreciate the warmer (26C-28C) more humid (60%) atmosphere during their early flowering growth stage, "The Stretch". However, once the plants stop growing, cooler (24C) drier (50%) climes will aid in resin production, increase crystallization and aroma.


Well-Known Member
they can hermie if you go too high but were talking 86-90degrees and up.

same goes if its too cold. you don't want your daytime temps lower than the mid 70s imo.

i always try to keep my grow room inbetween 75-83 at all times. i find the plants respond best to it. during flowering (for certain strains) i'll lower the nighttime temps down to high 50's and low 60s to get the plants to change colors (especially purple varieties or others known to change colors under low nighttime temps)

i don't know the "magic number" though.
There is no magic number. I've grown with the average temp being 85. My current grow rarely seen temps below 84 before I got an a/c. It's all female and didn't hermie.

It will vary strain to strain, just like yield, potency and just about everything else.


they can hermie if you go too high but were talking 86-90degrees and up.

same goes if its too cold. you don't want your daytime temps lower than the mid 70s imo.

i always try to keep my grow room inbetween 75-83 at all times. i find the plants respond best to it. during flowering (for certain strains) i'll lower the nighttime temps down to high 50's and low 60s to get the plants to change colors (especially purple varieties or others known to change colors under low nighttime temps)

i don't know the "magic number" though.
This is the first time ive herd this hermy and temp thing anybody else ever herd of it or have any real data on the subject ???
as for the temp Q i like 68/72 my self or 77to 84 if im running my co2


Well-Known Member
This is the first time ive herd this hermy and temp thing anybody else ever herd of it or have any real data on the subject ???
as for the temp Q i like 68/72 my self or 77to 84 if im running my co2
I do believe in my oppinion that heat stress will cause them to herm. but im talking like no glass on the hood to close to the plants not alot of air flow


Active Member
they can hermie if you go too high but were talking 86-90degrees and up.

same goes if its too cold. you don't want your daytime temps lower than the mid 70s imo.

i always try to keep my grow room inbetween 75-83 at all times. i find the plants respond best to it. during flowering (for certain strains) i'll lower the nighttime temps down to high 50's and low 60s to get the plants to change colors (especially purple varieties or others known to change colors under low nighttime temps)

i don't know the "magic number" though.
does that really work? cold nights = epic change in color,

hm, im growing blue mystic, should i leave the window open during nights for cool air to come in and change its temp?


Active Member
the grow books will say ideal temps are 75F during the day and 65F at night, but as stated above it varies from strain to strain


Active Member
and yes cold does help trigger a change in color, part of mimicing that natural conditions of fall, ie shorter days colder nights. notice how every winter the trees change color, cannabis is no different.


Well-Known Member
and yes cold does help trigger a change in color, part of mimicing that natural conditions of fall, ie shorter days colder nights. notice how every winter the trees change color, cannabis is no different.
cold weather locks out P and K, triggering the color change. Cold water will also help with this.

But is said it can trigger hermaphrodites, cause it triggers the natural response in the plant to reproduce before death......or so I hear.

I set my controller for 83 day temp (with co2) and 71 for night.
The magic numbers:

for vegging: 78, and 70% humidity at all times
for budding: 75 with the lights on, and 78 with the lights off. 50% humidity at all times

if you're using co2, keep it at 1350ppm during veg and 2000ppm during bud