Stoner Jobs


Active Member
Wow our min is 10 here where I live. Hopefully getting a job with the local liquor commision making 15 and hour plus benefits. Already work at an old folks home with my friend (hes a cook, im a server) making 10.558 with full benefits plus pension


Active Member
yeah man they say some in vegas make 100$ an hour ..... sorry man i got too much pride and dont wanna be in the damn sun all day. plus i like wearing nice shit. and fuckin bad bitches .... all that and being a beggar dont really go hand in hand.

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
Hey, never said it was honorable, but I bet there are some beggars out there who make more in a year than you or I.
i was watchin somthin on tv and they did a test and had a lady askin for nickles, she ended up makin bout $20 an hr (guys made slightly less)


Well-Known Member
yeah man they say some in vegas make 100$ an hour ..... sorry man i got too much pride and dont wanna be in the damn sun all day. plus i like wearing nice shit. and fuckin bad bitches .... all that and being a beggar dont really go hand in hand.
The guy I know wakes up at 6 AM, drives an hour to the next city over, parks his car in a PAID parking lot, changes into his "uniform" clothes, and begs from like 8 AM to 4 PM...Does this shit 5 days a week...He worked an office job for an insurance company before this, said he makes more than double what he was pulling at his regular 9-5

BTW...I met him at a dispensary when he was picking up like 2 ounces of top shelf...This guys a baller, for sure...Just has no shame at all! lol


Well-Known Member
my mom once gave a bum half her sandwich when he asked for change. he walked over to the trash can and threw it away. she hasnt given to any bums anything since


Well-Known Member
When bums ask me for money, I ask them for money in return...When you act like you're genuinely in need, you'd be surprised at how often you get 5 bucks outta it...Give it a try some time.....


Active Member
lol I live in Austin Texas .... the hobo's here make the most outlandish signs youve ever seen .... ive seen "wife and kid kidnapped, need $ for karate lessons" and "HUNGRY HUNGRY HOBO" and the funniest one "CHRISTMAS SPECIAL: will fight ex-wife AND mother in law for $5"


Well-Known Member
The guy I know wakes up at 6 AM, drives an hour to the next city over, parks his car in a PAID parking lot, changes into his "uniform" clothes, and begs from like 8 AM to 4 PM...Does this shit 5 days a week...He worked an office job for an insurance company before this, said he makes more than double what he was pulling at his regular 9-5

BTW...I met him at a dispensary when he was picking up like 2 ounces of top shelf...This guys a baller, for sure...Just has no shame at all! lol
Like this guy who washes car windows.


Active Member
uhhh you can do that regardless ..... simple as this.

rent a house

dedicated ONE room of the house to your grow, preferably a 12x12

invest about 2000 in equipment

grow in that 12x12 ..... thats about 13 square meters, if your using a higher yielding plant, thats 700g/sq meter. thats about 9100 grams using the whole room, thats about 650 ounces of weed. i live in texas so, about 250$ for a half is normal. that times 650 halfs ... is about 160,000$ ...... simple as fuck. ?