Historic Negativity Towards US Gov.


New Member
I find his reputation as the "Pork King of Texas" is quite disingenuous to his faux-political appeal. I mean, in reality what he does as a congressman goes against his words as a candidate. Thus, who could ever fucking trust him if elected? The man is a walking-talking-ass clown and his campaign is a sham to line his pockets. Two people are your entire campaign team, give me a fucking break.
Well there is that an the appeal he has to Racists becuase they know he is one of them
His Free market stance will totally destroy the Middle class
his Foreign policy is isolationist
Basically he wants this country to go back to what we had in the 1800s
And it was very very bad. people died way to young


Well-Known Member
Well there is that an the appeal he has to Racists becuase they know he is one of them
His Free market stance will totally destroy the Middle class
his Foreign policy is isolationist
Basically he wants this country to go back to what we had in the 1800s
And it was very very bad. people died way to young
This black lady dont think ron paul is racist.


New Member
This black lady dont think ron paul is racist.
Dude honestly can you get any lower than that? Doesnt this fall back into the race baiting Obama is going to give whiteys money to the blacks?

And this lady doesnt know that Ron and Rand Paul is against Civil Rights act and supports a restaurants policy of excluding blacks among its patrons if it so wishes


Well-Known Member
Dude honestly can you get any lower than that? Doesnt this fall back into the race baiting Obama is going to give whiteys money to the blacks?

And this lady doesnt know that Ron and Rand Paul is against Civil Rights act and supports a restaurants policy of excluding blacks among its patrons if it so wishes
we dont need civil rights act, we have the constitution. If a business wants to refuse color or there lack of then let them do it lets see how successful they will be, besides, any business i walk into as of now, has the right to refuse service to anyone they want, so if they refuse color or lack of you wont know it, lets come back to reality people.
Regardless the ron paul supporter in the video sounds far more educated than those obama supporters.


Well-Known Member
Dude honestly can you get any lower than that? Doesnt this fall back into the race baiting Obama is going to give whiteys money to the blacks?

And this lady doesnt know that Ron and Rand Paul is against Civil Rights act and supports a restaurants policy of excluding blacks among its patrons if it so wishes
Is this kinda like all the people who voted for Obama didnt know who is in congress or if dem or rep is the house seat or didnt know obama said 57 states or didnt know Obama Anything? yea ok then.


Well-Known Member
Further more the ron paul supporter obviously has a far better education, a lot of minorities have poor education and we have the dept of ed to thank for that, she might be the only black person there (we dont know) but this is due to the fact that most her black counter parts lack education to know any better


Well-Known Member
Yea, i don't have a legitimate reason, and racist is over used...... hmmm i'll go with turtle fucker!, and a racist! :)


Well-Known Member
Wait a minute! What is a turtle fucker? does that have some meaning that the libs would only know? Like tea bagging?

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
I think i saw you in that video i last posted, was that you?
Umm...YEAH, totally that was me! Damn clever of you to pick me out, considering we have never met and I didn't even vote for Obama!

How did you just guess like that? Must be your woman's intuition. I hear it becomes highly sensitive during your menstrual cycles.


Well-Known Member
Umm...YEAH, totally that was me! Damn clever of you to pick me out, considering we have never met and I didn't even vote for Obama!

How did you just guess like that? Must be your woman's intuition. I hear it becomes highly sensitive during your menstrual cycles.
It does not matter if you claim you didnt vote for obama, it doesnt mean you would be able to answer the questions any better.

The Ruiner

Well-Known Member
It does not matter if you claim you didnt vote for obama, it doesnt mean you would be able to answer the questions any better.
Yeah... once again, you got me PEGGED! Damn your period must be GUSHING BLOOD OUT OF YOUR VAGINA at this point, because you are just spot-on!


Well-Known Member
Stupid obama voters
It was war when you brought that out. You knew that would invite the horde of zombies. Lmao, I'm stoned.....


Ron Paul's weaknesses are Ron Paul, and his supporters first and foremost.
You know I don't have anything to say to that other than I feel sorry for you because you can not reach the level of understanding, commitment, dedication and heart felt by people who support the ideas of liberty, freedom and peace among countries. It's a mindset that I do not believe you can grasp, no disrespect there. :D

It just gets aggravating when people come across like you do towards a group of supporters who now compose of anywhere from 8.9% up to 12% of likely/registered voters. That is a pretty large group at this point in the game.

I do not believe you realize how deep I back up and dream of the thought of a government that didn't over regulate, overtax, and overtake the United States of America; I would rather have a government didn't invade other countries for meaningless and ever changing reasons with out constitutional approval. A country where ever step of the manufacturing process is done here. I mean I could go on but it's pointless.

Moving on.

Yeah... once again, you got me PEGGED! Damn your period must be GUSHING BLOOD OUT OF YOUR VAGINA at this point, because you are just spot-on!
^ I mean, really? This is really the point you want to make in a conversation?
Ok, well said..
