trojans and malware


Active Member
so ive tried 5 different anti malware and anti virus programs and non of them are working:-?
ive tried malware bytes,superantimalware,emmisoft anti malware,avg,pandacloud antivirus and trend micro and non of them are working they stop the scan from completing my sites are redirecting and its a fucking pain in the ass ive even tried to run all of em in safe mode and still not working i dont know what the fuck to do AAAHHHHHHH! its fucking frustrating any one have any ideas or had a simmular issue and how to fix it ive been looking on google and not much luck just a bunch of fuckin sites or links to different antimalware programs... HELP!:-?


Well-Known Member
im thinking you're going to have to erase all of your computer, and have someone re build it, then it will work again. sometimes computers are just too far gone


Active Member
Well i hope not ive herd if you upgrade your operating system you can get rid of all virus's and malware and shit


Well-Known Member
its sound like its fixable malwear is removeable it wont be to hard but unless you wanna give sum1 you dont kno wireless acess your best bet is to just take ur cpu tower or laptop to a good techie and they'll get it fixed up easy and avg link scanner should lessen you exposeur to malware and trojans but remeber nothing full proof


New Member
download hijackthis!
then run it, make a log and paste it into that site. It'll tell you what shouldn't be there. If you need further help post your log here, I used to write viruses and still play around with them so I can pin point them easily


Well-Known Member
some backdoors are undetectable by hijacktthis,

If you've tried every other trick in the book and hijackthis doesn't work, reinstall your os, fresh computer.


Well-Known Member
be careful saving files on discs/external harddrive, you can carry over the problem.

I run windows 7, google chrome browser, and norton internet security. Download terrabytes of movies/music/tv show, never had a virus on any system running this set up. if you need to watch porn, stick to its pretty safe and free, just don't keep clicking onto new pages and shit, stick to the ones on their pages. can't believe I just recommended a porn site on riu.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
BAckup your essential shit onto disk or a network drive, format your harddrive and install a new copy. And bthis time around stop clicking on every link you see. I never get any viruses malware, spy or adware, takes nothing more than not clicking on everything that pops up or downloading 5mb films ;) While i have a history with computers, i've never really understood how peoples computers get so fucked up, just engage brain prior to clicking :)


New Member
BAckup your essential shit onto disk or a network drive, format your harddrive and install a new copy. And bthis time around stop clicking on every link you see. I never get any viruses malware, spy or adware, takes nothing more than not clicking on everything that pops up or downloading 5mb films ;) While i have a history with computers, i've never really understood how peoples computers get so fucked up, just engage brain prior to clicking :)
well one way is you pay for a program that encrypts files but makes the runable still. Then you just bind the file to a setup file and share it out on like thepiratebay. 100% undetectable, I hit 2,000 people with NOD32 infected with a backdoor. But I don't do that any more

Another way is to exploit the browser through a website which is pretty common and hackers hack legit web pages to do it, it happend to AMD


Well-Known Member
be careful saving files on discs/external harddrive, you can carry over the problem.

I run windows 7, google chrome browser, and norton internet security. Download terrabytes of movies/music/tv show, never had a virus on any system running this set up. if you need to watch porn, stick to its pretty safe and free, just don't keep clicking onto new pages and shit, stick to the ones on their pages. can't believe I just recommended a porn site on riu.
lol know that u might have just made ur self the porn guy on riu lol jk

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
well one way is you pay for a program that encrypts files but makes the runable still. Then you just bind the file to a setup file and share it out on like thepiratebay. 100% undetectable, I hit 2,000 people with NOD32 infected with a backdoor. But I don't do that any more

Another way is to exploit the browser through a website which is pretty common and hackers hack legit web pages to do it, it happend to AMD
I am aware of this, but am also aware that i don't click on random crap and i've not had a virus or such in well, i've had the current format going about 4 years now, i install scanners here and there just inb case and nadda, so always makes me wonder why others are so incapable (a harsh word but ya know what i mean :p)

Oh, and i don't downlaod torrents, i use reputable sharers. Torrents and P2P have to be no1 place to find yourself a tasty virus to piss you off for the weekend.


New Member
I am aware of this, but am also aware that i don't click on random crap and i've not had a virus or such in well, i've had the current format going about 4 years now, i install scanners here and there just inb case and nadda, so always makes me wonder why others are so incapable (a harsh word but ya know what i mean :p)
yea its pretty hard, only time I've ever had a virus was when my room mate kept infecting my computer with a trojan. I fucking hate that guy and I'm glad I don't live with him any more, he's a fat ass slob and will never change

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
But they were shown my profile by a friend and they want to be my friend any maybe more and live on the same street as me :( you're trying to intervene with nature.

yea its pretty hard, only time I've ever had a virus was when my room mate kept infecting my computer with a trojan. I fucking hate that guy and I'm glad I don't live with him any more, he's a fat ass slob and will never change
Don't get me started, i've a spare pc that i have hooked upto an HDTV that i say is for anyones use, some of the shit i find they've been licking on. Am i the only person that opts not to install every additional taskbar that is offered? I sometimes see friends computers and they've about 6 inches of random pointless taskbars on their browser and they don't even seem to care. That shit drives me mad.

Johnny Retro

Well-Known Member
yea its pretty hard, only time I've ever had a virus was when my room mate kept infecting my computer with a trojan. I fucking hate that guy and I'm glad I don't live with him any more, he's a fat ass slob and will never change
So explain to me why fucktards like yourself create viruses. Do you wank it to someone having computer problems or what?


New Member
So explain to me why fucktards like yourself create viruses. Do you wank it to someone having computer problems or what?
I used to hack computers to spread warez on IRC, I used to be co founder of #EliteWarez and was with them for about 10 years.

Other than that its just out of curiosity, I'm not malicious I just look through your shit and use them to spread more infected torrents so I don't get in shit

More of a hobby than anything.


New Member
There are different kind of hackers. Black hats are malicious and have no target in mind, white hats have targets in mind and will wait months or years and do a lot of research on the subject and are more than likely to report the problem in some form or another, I'm a grey hat, we have no specific target but aren't malicious in any way