The UK Growers Thread!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Haha, yet to bring it up with her :D it amused me though when i made the connection and shocked the hell out of the manageress :D

Void, Darkstar and Cheeeeeeese :)

Creme fraiche..


tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Mah, ignore that crap, billy is probably the closest mass grower we have and i don't quite think he's at the 300 in a flat stage quite yet :D Those people got what they knew would be coming to them, some folk jut aren't that smart. I recall a previous big grow in bristol being busted not to long back, was a huge maount, and they were growing in an old bank on thei ghigh street in the city :lol: haha, i think me and my 4 plants will be ok

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I've looked at every uk site at must be every hydro option and i can say no, they don't. I think basement sell something kinda similar ut well, i'll tell you right now to stay the fook away from that. that is not an 8 plant bad design DWC unit (top feeding is simply not needed) you would struggle to get 2 nice plants in there. Seems in the hydro game people seem to market em with as many net pots as they can fit, so that is how i designed my first tubs, waste of time. Growth in DWC is so good i'd not bother going any more than a single plant per tub. A couple of weeks veg in DWC will give you insane yilelds. I'm only a week or two into my autopot grow and know that end of the grow it's going straight in the attic till i can use it outdoors for soe other purpose, just can't see any reason why i would use something other than DWC, fir the retur and the effort involved it just does not make any kind of sense.


Well-Known Member
Avon and Somerset police discover and dismantle the fourth highest number of cannabis factories every year in England and Wales.
A report by the Association of Chief Police Officers showed that in 2009/10, there were 25 farms found per 100,000 people – totalling about 400 across the force. Only the larger constabularies in West Yorkshire, Greater Manchester and West Midlands seized more per head.
Drugs strategy manager Paul Bunt said: "Cannabis is now being grown across the UK. It is not necessarily a bigger problem here than anywhere else.
"The figures reflect the fact we are more proactive and more determined than most police forces in finding and dismantling cannabis farms. It also reflects how our officers are interacting with the community to combat dealers."

To me it says nothing about them being more proactive and determined in finding and dismantling cannabis farms ... theres less crime in Avon and Somerset (FACT) so they have more time on there hands to bully growers! ....


Well-Known Member
I've looked at every uk site at must be every hydro option and i can say no, they don't. I think basement sell something kinda similar ut well, i'll tell you right now to stay the fook away from that. that is not an 8 plant bad design DWC unit (top feeding is simply not needed) you would struggle to get 2 nice plants in there. Seems in the hydro game people seem to market em with as many net pots as they can fit, so that is how i designed my first tubs, waste of time. Growth in DWC is so good i'd not bother going any more than a single plant per tub. A couple of weeks veg in DWC will give you insane yilelds. I'm only a week or two into my autopot grow and know that end of the grow it's going straight in the attic till i can use it outdoors for soe other purpose, just can't see any reason why i would use something other than DWC, fir the retur and the effort involved it just does not make any kind of sense.
:) i was thinking of getting that kit if i could over here and converting it for 2 plants only anyways mate ... any DWC kit you would favor over others ?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
there not the same mate
What you are looking for is a cleverly worded "scam". It is nothing more than a DWC grow tub with top feeding (read price for additional pump and line etc) and "aeroponics" which is in essence, nothing but the air gap in the tote and the splashing from the bubbles, that's all they mean. Get to bnq, buy a storage container, get on amazon and buy a pump (i've been very impressed by tetra pumps i think they are) and grab an airstone and airline, nothing more needed.


Well-Known Member
What you are looking for is a cleverly worded "scam". It is nothing more than a DWC grow tub with top feeding (read price for additional pump and line etc) and "aeroponics" which is in essence, nothing but the air gap in the tote and the splashing from the bubbles, that's all they mean. Get to bnq, buy a storage container, get on amazon and buy a pump (i've been very impressed by tetra pumps i think they are) and grab an airstone and airline, nothing more needed.
ive heard of tetra .. i have some of there aquatic range ph down ... ill have a look into that mate , i think im deffo gonna go DWC soon


Well-Known Member
001.jpgMy day fingers are sore o well half way there birds still choppin well trained love it.ak 48,orange cropi canna,a shit but purple
Howz you guys on this fine night:joint:


Well-Known Member
HAHA i just googled DWC and heres what i got ......

The Disciplinary Wives Club (DWC) is an organization whose purpose is to encourage the application of "Good Old Fashioned" spanking and other very traditional methods of discipline by wives and committed partners. It is our experience that the vast majority of relationships that have a maternal discipline orientation are truly happy, healthy and long lasting.
We are based in a simple philosophy of love being the driver of everything in a good relationship.