and there you have it. the modern day lib doesnt see anything wrong with a 47 year old homo and his homo buddy screaming at a young girl who isnt even old enough to drink. all the while dropping F bombs and calling her mom a whore.
nope nothing wrong with that stupid, nothing wrong at all. next time you see me with my 20 year old at a restaraunt, yell at her like that and see what happens. you will have to have your cock sucker wired shut for a few weeks while you eat your puree steak through a straw.
you liberals make most americans sick to their stomach because you are nothing but a bunch of sniveling little kids. thats why you are getting your asses kicked in all these elections. 2012 is gonna be historical....again!
Hi Jeff, been a few weeks; ive been busy.
I (as usual) disagree with your point and think that you are not seeing 2 things here.
First the Palins, both mom and daughter put themselves into the public light. When you write books, have a movie, make numerous television appearances you are a celebrity. They put themselves into the spotlight, earn a ton of money from it and have to deal with the ugly side of fame just like every other celebrity.
Second, you are implying that because the men were presumably liberal that all liberals would do the same or condone what they did., you paint the entire liberal movement with that same brush. That would be as ignorant as saying that every conservative was a racist.