1st Bagseed Grow


Active Member
yeah i think light is getting into the rez so i took the plants out of the rockwool carefully and soaked in peroxide. what you been up 2....


Active Member
you get those 3 holes cut out?
I just went to english academy. I might go teach little kids starting next week, 1hr/4.5bucks lol.
I haven't cut any hole's yet. I decided to measure exact size of fan when it comes though.
The problem is when i start that job i won't be at home till 3pm to 10pm nd i will be checking Ph only at the moring nd at night.
once you mesure your ph , how long does it last? i mean is it stable ?


Active Member
what kind of fan did you get? i wonder if i was to go there if i could make a lot of money teaching english


Active Member
my familys been looking for an adventure. i've always wanted to teach. you should email me some info on it. the thing is..... i'm crazy enough to do it. i'm sick of this country anyway. its turning into a bunch of religious freaks. how much money would i need? would they give us a place?


Active Member
i would build a huge stealth cabinet in my place. we know single seeds delivers there. $4000 bucks a month, holy shit, thats almost 3 times what we make


Active Member
It's quite easy to get a teaching job. Over here, tons tons of english nd Math academy's for middle school nd high school students.
First off all, If you really want to get a job over here, you should come nd get a place to stay. You'll prob work 8~10 hour every day.
you can teach all sort of stuff. grammer, reading , listening, specking etc.. However, SAT teacher makes so much dope lol !!...
Most american teachers do Writing nd specking. Second, they won't give you a place to stay . house isn't that expensive. I do say bout 900~1500 bucks per month ( don't know about deposite ).

you won't need that much money to start. once you get your place, your all good dude. Trust me, I really know about this shitts.

SAT is the shit over here lol. your bank account will be rollinggggg!!

Yea man. You grow nd sell it. 1 gram for 100buck.. WTF haha. so much dope !!

I just looked up . the lowist payment is 2000bucks per month


Active Member
they would never suspect a teacher growing. whats the penalty? if my wife tought too that would be 8,000. i'm getting tax money back in february. probably about $8,000 i'll get back. could i get a house with that. they do credit checks for houses?


Active Member
they would never suspect a teacher growing. whats the penalty? if my wife tought too that would be 8,000. i'm getting tax money back in february. probably about $8,000 i'll get back. could i get a house with that. they do credit checks for houses?
no no no no. IF you nd your wife teaches SAT, yeah 8000 per month. dude, do you have a messenagr? ? MSN ??