Smoke Inside with NO smell!


Active Member
Just finished making my filter so i can smoke inside with no smell at all, its easy to make, i used a water bottle with one end cut off and taped a bounty dryer sheet over the end to filter the smoke, i cut then cut a whole the size of the bottle in an OJ container on the top, slid the bottle inside of it, cut another whole in the side, just big enough to slide a burning incent in, simply smoke your bowl and put a quarter over the bowl so the cherry doesnt keep burning into your room, light the incent up slide in and blow your hit in to the water bottle to be filtered through the bottle and masked by incent and there you have it. Happy toking!



Well-Known Member
when i was young and my mom didnt want me to smoke in my room, i used a dryer sheet and toilet paper roll to blow through. similar to your setup.


Well-Known Member
too bad you can't mass produce those...good for teens at home with parents. I smoke freely...Even when I lived with momma.


Well-Known Member
the sale these things at the smokeshop called helloneighbors or something that are supposed to cover up the smell but they arent all elaborate like that. theyre like the size of a chapstick but are semi decent


Active Member
Well my parents do allow me to smoke freely but i use this before bed so i don't have to go stand outside in a foot of snow and freeze my ass off, it works well tho.


Well-Known Member
Jesus christ man, you have alot of free time on your hands. Great idea tho, looks like it would work really well. Mustve put alot thought into that. Did you plan it out or just wing it?

Farm Friend

Well-Known Member
Good thinking. My step son just told me the other day that he too used the dryer sheet technique. I thought it quite brilliant. If Dad only knew......


Active Member
I've done something very similar to what the OP has done. We used a paper towel roll stuffed ~1/2 way with dryer sheet. It also had a thick layer of dryer sheets wrapped over one end. It lasted for a very long time because of the number of sheets stuffed inside. It took quite a long time to even see yellowing on the dryer sheets at the end of the tube.


Active Member
Yeh it works good, throw a dryer sheet inside of the water bottle too, and open a window if possible and you should be good, if not maybe just spray a little febreze to be on the safe side.


Active Member
I just like using incense when I smoke and I don't want the neighbors smelling it. This contraption looks really cool tho.

Weed Guy

Master Roller
Just finished making my filter so i can smoke inside with no smell at all, its easy to make, i used a water bottle with one end cut off and taped a bounty dryer sheet over the end to filter the smoke, i cut then cut a whole the size of the bottle in an OJ container on the top, slid the bottle inside of it, cut another whole in the side, just big enough to slide a burning incent in, simply smoke your bowl and put a quarter over the bowl so the cherry doesnt keep burning into your room, light the incent up slide in and blow your hit in to the water bottle to be filtered through the bottle and masked by incent and there you have it. Happy toking!
But i dont understand.....Where does the smoke go? Isnt it like blowing up a carboard balloon? Or do you poke holes in the side of the tropicana carton? Or does the air come out through the same hole that the incense goes in?



Well-Known Member
It's called a stack and it's a very good idea. Although normally you're also supposed to stuff the container with hose sheets as well as wrap them around the end of it. It helps, trust me.

t dub c

Well-Known Member
Ive used bounty hooters for years. I use a powerade bottle with the end cut off filled with bounty sheets. Easy and works. You caneven take a 2 l bottle and cut a shotgun hole in the bottom and stick a joint hooter in the lid so the joint is inside the 2 l bottle all seled up exept the carb hole. Then fire up the joint stick it in the bottle and smoke it down and blow the smoke through bounty hooter, then when the joint is done take all the smoke that is left in the 2 l bottle and blow it through too. smokeésmell free smoker for all the kids in their parents houses.