UK Petition to legalise


Active Member
this has been up for a while now and seems to be stagnating around the 9000 mark. We need 100000 to get it moved through parliament. check out the wikipedia entries under cannabis in the uk, it leads me to think that the current collection of MP's might be one of the most sympathetic to the cause.

i smoke for medical reasons and can't get anything just now for love nor money and am suffering because of it, i'd love to have my plants worry free and be able to nip out to a dispensery when supplies get low.

this is the great thing about being in a democracy, if enough people make themselves heard and stand up for what they believe in, nothings out of our reach. please sign it, i signed cuople months bk when it was at 1200 and its depressing watching it tick up so slowly.

spread the word, if everyone gets 3 people to sign and those three get another 3 and so on


Active Member
if anyones reading this and signing or even if you jus wanna help out, leave a comment and keep the thread current plz!

5 more signatures already today.....lets keep it up!


Hmm maybe the fact that they want to know who you are has a bearing on the lack of numbers, I for one don't feel comfortable with my grow almost done to go on a government site and give my name to something like that, it feels like an invitation to come and kick my door in.


Active Member
the government dont have access to the info, its on a third parties website, and whichever way you look at it the authorities need probable cause to come knocking on your door (uk anyway) signing a petition is not probable cause! the police aren't trying to catch people with their cupboard or tiny tent grows, they're after big fuck off factories, small grows aren't worth the time for a warrant (the judges or local area head policemans that have to sign the warrants) or the man hours it'd take to plan a bust on your cupboard, health and safety and risk assessments all have to be taken on, filled out and processed before anyone goes near your door. u think they'll do that for everyone thats signed a petition on the chance that they might catch them with a few grams of personal or the "jackpot" of 4 plants in a tent?

think paranoia gets the better of people sometimes, myself included, but lets not let it get in the way of doing something good here.

i sure as hell want to send my nurse out to pick me up some kush while i'm on my deathbed. how do u wanna spend your time on this earth?


I know what you are saying vanishing toaster but it still don't sit right. Knowing a few 'government people' they can can pick up info from anywhere they dam well please and that's not paranoia speaking. How do I want to spend my time on this earth? Free to smoke My Kush...


Active Member
unless you got previous or ur operating on an industrial scale, chances are you wont even make it to court and big IF you do, jailtime isn't an option. i signed it way bk when the petition first started in august and so have a lot of my friends. most of whom have nothing to do with the stuff, they can't assume you've got stuff from signing a petition, it just doesn't make sense to approach it that way, they would be in breach of data protection act to obtain the info that way. All arrests have to show complete transparency from probable cause to arrest to trial. any lawyer and i mean any lawyer will get you off.

it really wont get that far mate, i've played the system for waaaaay too long (worn the uniform) and believe me when i say this, the police are not desperate to catch cannabis smokers and personal growers. dealers and class A's are another thing altogether, then throw n the rapists paedos wife beaters and gangs and suddenly hacking into a website to pull out some names of cannabis supporters seems a bit OTT its plod not MI5

just out of curiosity, cause i think it may be something i'm unaware of, but what government people do u know of that can access information anywhere? As i understand it "government people" are elected members of the public that shuffle in and out on revolving doors every 4-5 years trying to help people in their constituency in an office somewhere or in parliament. i really doubt that these people have access to any secure websites, and the home secretary or PM is not going to risk their career to get a list of names.

lets be honest if they were after growers they'd stake out the hydro shops, monitor transactions from uk accounts to known seedbanks and hydro stores online.

signing this petition is 100% safe


unless you got previous or ur operating on an industrial scale, chances are you wont even make it to court and big IF you do, jailtime isn't an option. i signed it way bk when the petition first started in august and so have a lot of my friends. most of whom have nothing to do with the stuff, they can't assume you've got stuff from signing a petition, it just doesn't make sense to approach it that way, they would be in breach of data protection act to obtain the info that way. All arrests have to show complete transparency from probable cause to arrest to trial. any lawyer and i mean any lawyer will get you off.

it really wont get that far mate, i've played the system for waaaaay too long (worn the uniform) and believe me when i say this, the police are not desperate to catch cannabis smokers and personal growers. dealers and class A's are another thing altogether, then throw n the rapists paedos wife beaters and gangs and suddenly hacking into a website to pull out some names of cannabis supporters seems a bit OTT its plod not MI5

just out of curiosity, cause i think it may be something i'm unaware of, but what government people do u know of that can access information anywhere? As i understand it "government people" are elected members of the public that shuffle in and out on revolving doors every 4-5 years trying to help people in their constituency in an office somewhere or in parliament. i really doubt that these people have access to any secure websites, and the home secretary or PM is not going to risk their career to get a list of names.

lets be honest if they were after growers they'd stake out the hydro shops, monitor transactions from uk accounts to known seedbanks and hydro stores online.

signing this petition is 100% safe
Sorry if I don't agree with you 100%, get over it...


Active Member
get over it??? i'm not the one quoting wildly inaccurate facts. think i made some pretty good points in that last one, nothing to say other than get over it?

paranoias really got ahold of you! are you ok?


get over it??? i'm not the one quoting wildly inaccurate facts. think i made some pretty good points in that last one, nothing to say other than get over it?

paranoias really got ahold of you! are you ok?
I'm going with what my gut is telling me about putting my name on a website with H.M. Government on the opening page, a big fat No, and pointing out that maybe that is why not many have signed it. Furthermore do you really think it would make ant difference if they get the magic 100000 signatures? What would happen Nothing!

And I think the only thing I quoted in my posts was you. Good luck with your pain...


Active Member
just to clear it up and keep the thread current lol

the wildly inaccurate facts were how u knew of MP's that have access to information on anyone anywhere. they dont.


Active Member
sign it and put another name and address if your that paranoid, im pretty sure nobody will check weather the name and address is correct, let alone track you down for a few grams! to much paranoia about!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I'm not allowed to vote on a petition despite being a legal UK resident all my life purely because i don't have an address to give them, it's not to say i odn't have an adress, it's to say that it's none of their fucking business. Surely this is discrimination against the homeless, house or no house i am a citizen why am i therefore not allowed to sign a petition, i thought this was a democratic system? (speaking of which i never knew that you have to register as homeless, wtf?)


Active Member
just stick a n/a in each line. i'm in scotland and can't say too much bout the policy down south, but its illegal to be homeless in scotland, the government are obliged to find u a bed under a roof, and the registration is to get all that sorted. possibly registering as homeless may make u eligible for help ur not currently getting??