High all,
It's been three days since the chop and the drying buds are about a day or so from being jarred, the buds have been in darkness; 19 °C - 21 °C; 48% - 51% humidity. I am hoping to cure for about 7 - 10 days burping every day, then slam shut the jars until 4:20.
I did not get a chance to weight the trim but I was able to get about 12g of hash, not bad since I started to get tired and did not feel like shaking the damn tin any more.
Here are some pictures of my adventure:
A bag of trim and young bud
Grind it up
Got me some dry ice pellets
Mix and use bubble bags to shake out kif.
All ready to make some hash
A little hash after the first run
after a lot of shaking and grinding, 10 minutes at 175°C after wrapping the kief in cellophane and newspaper (remember to moisten the newspaper), then pressing under the family crossover
and finally all this work to get:
After some clean up I got the next batch ready, here are the twins in their new home.