Who Will you Vote For

Where will your vote Go?

  • Republican- Mcain

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Democrat - Obama

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Democrat - Clinton

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters
dont board the bandwagon so fast young grasshopper!!!!

marijuana related arrest were increased when Bill came into office. You all dont remember the big war on drugs and Bill being all over it?

Bill Clinton, by far was not the best president for all of the US, let alone minorities

he smoked pot(but "didnt inhale"), wtf is his problem for that shit? war on drugs, what a focking ass hole...... lol jk, actually i think lots of drugs are bad, just not the God given Herb!! heroine for example..... bad bad bad bad!!!

im not sure the exact figures off hand, but let me ask you how much money did we have surplus when clinton was in office? now how much are we in deficit????? i believe clinton had the most surplus money ever while he was in office, just going off the top of my head though..
hahaha whatever tickles your fancy!
haha, i feel like elmo, it tickles my fancy very much... hahah... -:-| sorry attempt at being funny.......

you wouldnt be here talking about the next president if you were from Canada.... or would you??? hmmmmm lol jk:mrgreen:
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]just a copy an paste from a quick google-

The Bush Budget Deficit Death Spiral[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Output fell 2.2% in 1982 while budget deficits soared. When Reagan took office in 1981, the national debt stood at $995 billion. Twelve years later, by the end of George H.W. Bush’s presidency, it had exploded to $4 trillion. Reagan was a “B” grade movie actor and a doddering, probably clinically senile president, but he was a sheer genius at rewarding his friends by saddling other people with debts. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bill Clinton reversed Reagan’s course, raising taxes on the wealthy, and lowering them for the working and middle classes. This produced the longest sustained economic expansion in American history. Importantly, it also produced budgetary surpluses allowing the government to begin paying down the crippling debt begun under Reagan. In 2000, Clinton’s last year, the surplus amounted to $236 billion. The forecast ten year surplus stood at $5.6 trillion. It was the last black ink America would see for decades, perhaps forever. [/FONT]
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]George W. Bush immediately reversed Clinton’s policy in order to revive Reagan’s, once again showering an embarrassment of riches on the already most embarrassingly rich, his “base” as he calls them. He ladled out some $630 billion in tax cuts to the top 1% of income earners. In true Republican fashion, they returned the favor by investing over $200 million to ensure Bush’s re-election. Do the math. A $630 billion return on a $200 million investment: $3,160 for $1. I’ll give you $3,160. All I ask is that you give me $1 back so I can keep the goodness flowing. Do we have a deal? Republicans know return on investment. [/FONT]
i express my feelings and opinion about anything that bothers me, regardless of what country, state, continent i reside in or im a citizen of
who becomes the next president of the united states definitely afftects more ppl than just americans ^^^^^^
no, apparently YOU dont have a clue. african americans just milk 'your' country and drain your society?

idiot.... and i mean that in the most insulting way.

you obviously need to pick up a fucking book, go do some more research.

so before i proceed to rip you a new asshole (with factual information), may i ask how you came to that conclusion? the part that i bolded.

Alright asshole, if you do not take the time to read my posts then you do not deserve a response, I'll make this one exception.

I didn't say all blacks, idiot. I said black's on welfare. And its a statistical fact that black's on welfare will more than likely stay on it their whole lives and do not attempt to become self-sufficient.

So before you start to squeal like a preteen about prejudice, read and comprehend my posts and logic. Thanks, have a great day.
so why is it that the black people on welfare milk your country and drain your society...

but when the white people on welfare milk your country and drain your society, you mention nothing of it. OH NOS the media wont mention that aye?

hell you still naive to the fact that black people are not the only ones on welfare. Welfare and federal/state assistance didnt END when the black man got theirs, please believe it. On the contrary, its quite the other.... little do you know it is just as many white families on welfare as black families, IF NOT MORE.

i can get those statistics from the government website, if you would like ;)
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial]"An Associated Press survey has established that the proportion of whites on welfare has dropped since 1994, while the proportion of minorities receiving assistance has grown -- in some cases dramatically. [/FONT]
  • [FONT=Helvetica, Arial]
    [*]Of the 16 states which are home to 76 percent of the welfare population, 14 have had white leave welfare faster than blacks or Hispanics.
    [*]Census statistics for 1997 indicate that 30 percent of whites on welfare lacked a high school diploma -- compared to 43 percent of blacks and 64 percent of Hispanics.
    [*]About half of whites and blacks worked at some time during the year -- but only one-third of Hispanics
    [*]Just 29 percent of whites on welfare lived in a central city or an area in which at least one in five were poor -- compared to about 68 percent of blacks and 60 percent of Hispanics.NCPA - Welfare Issues - Whites Leaving Welfare Faster Than Minorities
have you added in the national consensus? have you added how they count race and base a broad window guess on it? lets take into the fact how many people dont even do the consensus. lets take into account how they do the survey in the first place..... would you like for me to break that down as well?

and you still are dodging the fact of what you said. you have a problem with blacks on welfare draining your country and society....but when a white person needs 'assistance' it isnt called welfare anymore i guess? nor is it draining your society and resources aye??? lol great, logical thinking bro!
I'm looking at statistics here and how to manage money, and I see we are pouring money into welfare thats just disappearing. I'm naming statistics here and by so I am bringing to light one of America's huge economic problems, welfare. Unlike other conservatives who are afraid to touch on this subject because retards like you call them racist even though what they say its just purely the truth.
"He's had it with hypocritical Republicans who say they're for small government but then spend our hard-earned tax money like Imelda Marcos in a shoe store. He's also had it with the weak and timid Republicans who won't stand up and fight against racial preferences, too afraid that the Al Sharptons and Jesse Jacksons of the world will call them bigots. In plain English, he's had it with Republicans who are afraid to be conservative!" -http://www.amazon.com/Crazies-Left-Me-Wimps-Right/dp/0061252573

While investigating more on the subject, I ran into another forum and someone posted something interesting.

More whites than blacks on welfare despite myth - Compass of Mind | Forums | General Discussion

[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica]"My problem is with this logic, which is completely skewed. Here the author is pointing out that more whites are recieving welfare than blacks. Well, in 1997 60% of the prison population was white, while 38% were black. The black community was quick to point out then, that the prison population was DISPROPORTIONATELY black. Funny how the race hustlers forget this concept when it works against them. Whites are 69% of the population, and blacks only 12%.

Let's look at this a different way. There are roughly 5.5 million whites on welfare, and roughly 5.2 million blacks on welfare. There are almost 195 million whites in the US, and just almost 35 million blacks. This means that while less than 3% of the white population is on welfare, and over 15% of blacks are on welfare."

have you added in the national consensus? have you added how they count race and base a broad window guess on it? lets take into the fact how many people dont even do the consensus. lets take into account how they do the survey in the first place..... would you like for me to break that down as well?

and you still are dodging the fact of what you said. you have a problem with blacks on welfare draining your country and society....but when a white person needs 'assistance' it isnt called welfare anymore i guess? nor is it draining your society and resources aye??? lol great, logical thinking bro!

Again, read my posts.

I said a black on welfare has a high probability to never leave welfare. Have some logic, by comparison, you should figure out that a typical white person on welfare usually discontinues it and finds a job.

And thanks on my logical thinking, feel free to use some of your own.
Again, read my posts.

I said a black on welfare has a high probability to never leave welfare. Have some logic, by comparison, you should figure out that a typical white person on welfare usually discontinues it and finds a job.

And thanks on my logical thinking, feel free to use some of your own.


regarding your previous post....please show me where i called you racist???? becareful, dont put words in my mouth....only makes you look more ignorant.

well no...i take that back, the post im quoting now makes you look hella ignorant. (i even bolded it for you)

i digress.....ignorance is bliss. congratulations!!!!

regarding your previous post....please show me where i called you racist???? becareful, dont put words in my mouth....only makes you look more ignorant.

well no...i take that back, the post im quoting now makes you look hella ignorant. (i even bolded it for you)

i digress.....ignorance is bliss. congratulations!!!!

I was under the impression you were judging me by saying that I didn't specify the white people on welfare. How does my post make me look ignorant? Please specify.

If you cant, I understand, go back to sleep.
Why mention race at all, it does make you sound ignorant. if you are going to criticise the welfare system there are plenty of other ways to do it as there are plenty of problems with it....problems with the system...not with blacks
Why mention race at all, it does make you sound ignorant. if you are going to criticise the welfare system there are plenty of other ways to do it as there are plenty of problems with it....problems with the system...not with blacks

thank you.

i was going to reply back....but i figured it still wouldnt get thru.

which is why i bowed out!
Why mention race at all, it does make you sound ignorant. if you are going to criticise the welfare system there are plenty of other ways to do it as there are plenty of problems with it....problems with the system...not with blacks

As much as we want to pretend race has nothing to do with it, doesn't negate the fact that it does. I'm not trying to relentlessly attack blacks but it is a statistical fact that they stay on welfare for a long time.

The point of welfare is to assist someone until they become self sufficient, but the system is being exploited so all it does now is just carry the individual indefinitely.

Thats the point.


And that point was made is because democrats love to create more and more social programs and add to welfare system, which is broke the way it is and the way its being exploited.

Need a whole new system or cease it immediately.
What does that mean? I have seen much of the world.

I have been down the streets of ghetto philly.

I have seen D.C., annapolis, new orleans.

I have seen London, Berlin, Athens, Rome, Bangkok. Mexico City, and alot more.

I like my little town, its my home, I'm willing to bet you have never even left the country.

Your a pathetic preteen.

and just FYI, that phrase on my location thing there is in the first 5 minutes of the South Park movie and I thought it was fitting because my avatar is off their cartoon style.
they didnt stop selling plane tickets after you bought yours & so called toured the world

dont be so naive as to thinking people havent left the country. i can see that statement maybe 20 years ago....but going overseas has lost its luxury.

its easy to go overseas, and cheap....what's your point?

you're better than him because you think he hasnt left the country?

wow. your ignorance is just spewing all thru this thread!