Who Will you Vote For

Where will your vote Go?

  • Republican- Mcain

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Democrat - Obama

    Votes: 24 49.0%
  • Democrat - Clinton

    Votes: 8 16.3%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 9 18.4%

  • Total voters
What does that mean? I have seen much of the world.

I have been down the streets of ghetto philly.

I have seen D.C., annapolis, new orleans.

I have seen London, Berlin, Athens, Rome, Bangkok. Mexico City, and alot more.

I like my little town, its my home, I'm willing to bet you have never even left the country.

Your a pathetic preteen.

and just FYI, that phrase on my location thing there is in the first 5 minutes of the South Park movie and I thought it was fitting because my avatar is off their cartoon style.
do you want a prize or something, I honestly dont give a fuck where youve been, its got nothing to do with anything, you obviously didnt learn anything at any of those places.
youre location says it all man....

lol, hey no ones perfect. maybe he is a little raciest, i used to be when i was younger(about 10 years old) because I WAS IGNORANT when i grew up around all whites. i didnt hate blacks just didnt highly regard them because of my surroundings. anyways, then i moved to a city after my parents got divorced(about 12 years old) and moved to a city with lots of black people in my neighborhood. soon enough i became a little "wigga" to adapt to my surroundings. im not going to tell you my life story, but i basically believe " people are exclusively products of their environment" sometimes ppl have a choice as to where their environment is, sometimes they dont. maybe statistics show certain things but i dont think its genetics for blacks and hispanics to be bums. i think they are products of their environment. im sure if they were raised in a little redneck mountain town, or w/e, they would be very similar to Zen.

i think there are more important issues to deal with besides welfare(at least we are keeping the money in the country). some things we need to work on are outsourcing, alternative energies, creating jobs, and a better way of life for people! sorry for the rant, im freaking bongsmilie blaaaaaazed
You obviously are morbidly naive.

You have no argument other than random, often retarded, insults. You have no idea what the real world is like and you have no idea what the democrats are going to do to our country.

Come back when you have a structured, logical post and wish to debate.

At least Med has a brain and knows some facts, you both cannot form rational thought or argument.

i have no idea? right! because you know me so well aye? b/c you've walked in my shoes? b/c you stay with me and see my every move aye?

you arent worth structuring logical post. who are you? you arent even worth that. especially with your train of thought. i could easily educate you and make you feel like shit....but what would be the purpose?

insulting you? lol yea okay. the only insulting thing i've called you is idiot. You, on the other hand are full of insults. FULL! funny how the pot is calling the kettle black aye?
me calling you ignorant on the other hand, well im just calling a spade a spade. If you aren't educated on a particular subject, you're ignorant. Period.

Truth hurts aye?

and what does Med have to do with anything? Im sure he'd shame your stupid ass train of thought. Furthermore, dont compare me to anything or anyone, thanks! I AM my own man.
come back when youve read a book

Again you have nothing to offer besides a random, useless insult, every time you post you have to prove to me that you are completely juvenile, and furthermore has nothing to do with my argument! Can you not see yourself? And not only that! I have read a very healthy amount of books, and I linked one a few posts back, you should go and read it.
wow we Tarded, im impressed!

very well put sir!

if i could rep you again, i would bro!

ty, that means alot from Mr.Ganja LB!:mrgreen:

ive been through alot in my 20 some odd years (maybe nothing compared to others) and i guess its easier for me to be open minded than other people.

its easy for cavalier people to shit on others because they are ignorant in their pompous ways....... product of people living in a pompous environment equals pompous people! its not their fault, same as the black people on welfare. until we chance peoples environments we will have the same products.

i believe until you want in someones shoes you have no right to judge someone. God judges everyone in the end anyways!!!!!!

my 2 cents!
i have no idea? right! because you know me so well aye? b/c you've walked in my shoes? b/c you stay with me and see my every move aye?


you arent worth structuring logical post. who are you? you arent even worth that. especially with your train of thought. i could easily educate you and make you feel like shit....but what would be the purpose?

That sounds like a copout, you are afraid I will dominate you in both logic and knowledge in economy and politics. You are fooling no one.

nsulting you? lol yea okay. the only insulting thing i've called you is idiot. You, on the other hand are full of insults. FULL! funny how the pot is calling the kettle black aye?
me calling you ignorant on the other hand, well im just calling a spade a spade. If you aren't educated on a particular subject, you're ignorant. Period.

And what subject do you claim I am uneducated upon? Read my posts back there and they contain good points and sources to back them up. You have offered nothing but insults and no points, do you see how you are portraying yourself? How can I take you seriously.

Truth hurts aye?

and what does Med have to do with anything? Im sure he'd shamed your damn ass train of thought. Furthermore, dont compare me to anything, thanks! I AM my own man.

Yeah, the truth does hurt doesn't it.

And the reason I brought Med up is because he at least can outwardly express a rational thought, you have not impressed me at all. And, he has shamed me in nothing. :)
Again you have nothing to offer besides a random, useless insult, every time you post you have to prove to me that you are completely juvenile, and furthermore has nothing to do with my argument! Can you not see yourself? And not only that! I have read a very healthy amount of books, and I linked one a few posts back, you should go and read it.
what was your argument again...oh yeah, black people are sucking america dry...youre a fucking tool...
You have no idea what the real world is like and you have no idea what the democrats are going to do to our country.

just look at the last 16 years!!!!!!!!!!! i think its night and day! clinton vs crazy bush aka Satan!!!

are you serious? you really think that bush did a good job in office? you must be on his pay role or something if you do!
what was your argument again...oh yeah, black people are sucking america dry...youre a fucking tool...

aye hom36rown, aint it funny how zenmaster keeps talking about offering nothing but insults and no points, and how we are portraying ourself? and about how can he take us seriously?

hahahaha its kinda funny he has to recycle his comments for the both of us. its also funny that he's the only one insulting!!! fucking priceless
ROFL. I knew you pathetic fools would call me racist cause I have proven facts that say that blacks stay on welfare more than whites.

Does this factual evidence condemn me as a racist?

You are so pathetic. How do you sleep at night.
ROFL. I knew you pathetic fools would call me racist cause I have proven facts that say that blacks stay on welfare more than whites.

Does this factual evidence condemn me as a racist?

You are so pathetic. How do you sleep at night.

well, for the record.... are you racist?
proven facts? LMAO!!!!! proven facts????? and wonder how they are proven? where did you get them from? dont tell me you got it from the MAINSTREAM MEDIA....no wonder you're so ........

and i see you still putting words in my mouth.


stop putting words in my mouth, I HAVE NO PROBLEM SPEAKING MY MIND

but come to think of it....you must be racist. If the shoe fits huh? A hit dog will holler!!!!!!
proven facts? LMAO!!!!! proven facts????? and wonder how they are proven? where did you get them from? dont tell me you got it from the MAINSTREAM MEDIA....no wonder you're so ........

and i see you still putting words in my mouth.


stop putting words in my mouth, I HAVE NO PROBLEM SPEAKING MY MIND

but come to think of it....you must be racist. If the shoe fits huh? A hit dog will holler!!!!!!

Who is talking to you? Do you people even read my posts? Or can you not wait to start jabbering stupid shit on the forums, you might have smoked to much. I'm going to repost what I said earlier.

"As much as we want to pretend race has nothing to do with it, doesn't negate the fact that it does. I'm not trying to relentlessly attack blacks but it is a statistical fact that they stay on welfare for a long time.

The point of welfare is to assist someone until they become self sufficient, but the system is being exploited so all it does now is just carry the individual indefinitely.

Thats the point.


And that point was made is because democrats love to create more and more social programs and add to welfare system, which is broke the way it is and the way its being exploited.

Need a whole new system or cease it immediately."