1000w hps H.I.D lamp and 1 tiny closet MUWAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
New grow with african free black widow and white rhino from the start to the end should be good so in total i got 6 plants ( 4 AFRICAN FREE / 1 WHITE RHINO / 1 BLACK WIDOW )in this closet also currently feed them PLANT PROD 20-20-20 AND GH"s floralicious grow........... muwahahahahahhaha ..............and the african free is alredy lst'd and will be doing the same to the w/r and b/w also all are topped ;-)
here are the black widow white rhino and african free at there start in the closet
100_0329.jpg100_0331.jpg100_0330.jpgPicture0002.jpgPicture0001.jpg100_0437.jpg100_0445.jpg100_0441.jpg100_0438.jpg100_0525.jpg100_0338.jpg100_0333.jpgPicture0010.jpgPicture0008.jpg100_0435.jpg100_0433.jpg100_0432.jpg100_0387.jpg100_0389.jpg100_0447.jpghere they are after 3 - 4 days under the 1000w grow grow grow100_0570.jpg100_0448.jpg100_0436.jpg100_0435.jpg100_0433.jpg100_0436.jpg100_0434.jpg100_0431.jpghere the african free are in their new pots and tied down100_0534.jpg100_0522.jpg100_0521.jpgand here is the modifications i had to do to the closet to fit the new pots100_0523.jpg100_0527.jpg100_0536.jpg


Well-Known Member
Deff the ak-48 medical knocks me right down on my ass lol but i just sampled the african free i did hydro and another week of curing it will be very comparrible ...i got a sad quantity return with the african but the quality make up big time but ill see its potential now that i got 4 of them in soil and under the 1000watter and newwer and better nutes too
i swear to god one of ur buds looks just like dave chappelle all coked out lol

great set of pics bro :) which strain u like better? :d


Well-Known Member
Nice grow dude, and with a 1000 watter too.. Very brave :) !!! There's hope for me yet (I'am running multiple lights in a cab : 730w max - Total) I have to ask do you run an AC or do you live in a very cold country? I agree with an earlier post.. and Air-Cooled reflector/vented Reflector would be even more benificial to your girls! But respect where its due and +REP! for a 1000W Cab! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
nope i run ac and it just ending summer here so still pretty warm but the strrain im growing is an african one so i dont have to be o vigilant about temps since they are bred to handle high heat and yes i am investing in a hood very soon but wouldnt the mylar do the same as i covered 100% of the inside of the closet ?
Nice grow dude, and with a 1000 watter too.. Very brave :) !!! There's hope for me yet (I'am running multiple lights in a cab : 730w max - Total) I have to ask do you run an AC or do you live in a very cold country? I agree with an earlier post.. and Air-Cooled reflector/vented Reflector would be even more benificial to your girls! But respect where its due and +REP! for a 1000W Cab! - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Mylar will reflect light just like a reflective hood does. But mylar does not reflect in a pattern, it is random light refraction, most of it highly diffused and the rest super concentrated into a hot spot. The light foot print is extremely uneven and you are still wasting power. A hood is the best way to go, they are rolled and hammered to reproduce a perfect light foot print every time. African strains seem to be getting very popular again, I think I'm going to jump on this bandwagon while I still have a good seed allowance.

Good growing bro, I'm going to lurk around your thread for harvest pics.


Well-Known Member
I agree with what Jozikins said... On another note: What African strains are you using & what other African strains are available ?? - STELTHY :leaf:


Well-Known Member
im telling you i almost did not buy these seeds and now this is one of my new top strains the smell is incredibly pungent and strong strong strong and the resin production out did my white widow and is extremly sticky im deff keeping one of these going at all times lol as you can ee i shoved 4 of them in there lol
Mylar will reflect light just like a reflective hood does. But mylar does not reflect in a pattern, it is random light refraction, most of it highly diffused and the rest super concentrated into a hot spot. The light foot print is extremely uneven and you are still wasting power. A hood is the best way to go, they are rolled and hammered to reproduce a perfect light foot print every time. African strains seem to be getting very popular again, I think I'm going to jump on this bandwagon while I still have a good seed allowance.

Good growing bro, I'm going to lurk around your thread for harvest pics.


Well-Known Member
They are absolutely beautiful bro, I understand why she's your new girl. I bet you get a hold of all sorts of cool strains I'll never see where you are at.
ive been looking to set up a grow room and have very little space......i tink i will be copying alot of ur grow room style and technique with the looks of some of them babys!!!!:leaf: them buds on the white widow + ak wer just amazing bro. 100 % respects for going at it on your own and taking the risk with the 1000w dats well deserved and im now a trusty follower of this thread!!!! happy tokein :joint:



Well-Known Member
thnk u very much i really appreciate it and go right ahead let me know if ya want me to send some detailed pics of it for ya so you can better see whats going on i dont mind just let me know
ive been looking to set up a grow room and have very little space......i tink i will be copying alot of ur grow room style and technique with the looks of some of them babys!!!!:leaf: them buds on the white widow + ak wer just amazing bro. 100 % respects for going at it on your own and taking the risk with the 1000w dats well deserved and im now a trusty follower of this thread!!!! happy tokein :joint:

thnk u very much i really appreciate it and go right ahead let me know if ya want me to send some detailed pics of it for ya so you can better see whats going on i dont mind just let me know
cheers bro apreciate that!!! it will be soon enough trying to get some cash together but once im started i will let you no and them pics will come in handy!!!
peace :bigjoint: