Stoner Jobs

i got one better ... videos on the way. i can post vids right ? anyway it doesnt matter its doubles and is on the charger. its charged but if i go now it will die. i have all night and im not going anywhere ... hang tight.
That's a little strong isn't it ? I think the only people that should be in jail are rapists and murderers. That's just my opinion though.
So the guy who stole YOUR car, jacked up YOUR electric bill, spent money from YOUR bank accounts, ruined YOUR credit score, etc shouldn't go to jail? A lot of us here are involved in some/many 'legal gray areas' :wink: but they aren't hurting people any more than your average citizen (which many of us are). It's great to be a rebel or revolutionary, but somewhere the line has to be drawn.
So the guy who stole YOUR car, jacked up YOUR electric bill, spent money from YOUR bank accounts, ruined YOUR credit score, etc shouldn't go to jail? A lot of us here are involved in some/many 'legal gray areas' :wink: but they aren't hurting people any more than your average citizen (which many of us are). It's great to be a rebel or revolutionary, but somewhere the line has to be drawn.

As long as no one is physically harmed I don't give a shit. Maybe I'm an anarchist ? But I can take care of myself and mine.
In my opinion, and i do this for a living, the only time someone shouldnt go to jail for a crime, is when the crime is a vicitimless crime. Like possessing marijuana. Stealing from anyone is wrong, and shouldnt go unpunished. Now to the extent, thats up for discussion. but stealing. in any way shape, fashion, or form, is absolutely wrong.
And then you'll get thrown in jail for taking the law into your own hands. Sometimes working with those who seem to work against you is the best option. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer... as long as they don't have dogs. lol
And then you'll get thrown in jail for taking the law into your own hands. Sometimes working with those who seem to work against you is the best option. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer... as long as they don't have dogs. lol
Only if you get caught or tell on yourself.
well when my friend's bank account (and thousands of others) got ripped off, he met the police at his parent's house and not our apartment where we were growing, without a carbon filter