Safe amount of plants to grow?


Well-Known Member
Obviously 0 plants would be the safest grow, but what do you consider to be a safe grow? My main concern is I dont want to go to jail and I want to prove it was just for personal growth. I am thinking 6 total, 3 in veg tent, 3 in flowering room. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
any amount of plants will be considered for distribution purposes.

just dont tell anyone, and dont get caught :)


Well-Known Member
Move to another state. I hear Washington's nice this time of year.

Pot's not worth going to jail for and if it is (medical), you'd move. :razz:
If your scared dont do it, god its that simple. because there are people that are not scared to do it and can sell you some when its done...lmao!
Obviously 0 plants would be the safest grow, but what do you consider to be a safe grow? My main concern is I dont want to go to jail and I want to prove it was just for personal growth. I am thinking 6 total, 3 in veg tent, 3 in flowering room. What do you guys think?


I think the OP answered his own question, the safest amount is zero if its illegal in your state. Even if you could prove that it was for personal use, the hassle of going through the system makes it not worth it.