Bwpz' First PF Tek Attempt

How much is a usual yield? I might actually try and set this up as it would be a lot easier to get away with in my living situation than bud would be.

It's hard to guess yeild, but with cakes like mine I'm hoping for 6 grams a cake. You can do bulk which gives much more.
Dont expect anything crazy on your first go. But guarentee after your first your 2nd will be a breeze and a hella of lot better for yield.

Fae fae fae
Yea all depends on the method used, how many flushes you get and strain (I have had huge ones and once I harvested them noticed that they had a huge hollow center)
making syringes from prints can be a little tricky. Not the actual process but creating a steril environment. I can type some stuff up tomorrow morning when i have more time if no one else beats me to it, but cloning them is the way to go in my opinion no fluctuations in potency.

Yes yes yes, get one you like? clone it, it is even easier to clone mushrooms than it is pot. Just remember that clones of clones of clones (without intvervening grow outs from a decently varied substrate will see your strain begin to fail.
Still waiting, haven't seen anything in any jar yet :\ Next round I'm going to invest in a PC and do the popcorn tek, is that a good idea?
Bummer to hear everything isn't going well, luckily I was able to get a free PC

I'm knocking tonight hopefully, hope ur next round goes better
The first 6 have been inoculated for 9.5 days. The other 18 are only 3 days old, so they still have plenty of time.
My jars have been going for a month and 2 weeks now.
They are at about 95% now, but I'm also letting them colonize at room temperature in my glove box.

Don't worry bro, some jars can take up to a month just to show ANY growth whatsoever.
i too use the pf tek. I started my batch on the 10th, and just put the first three cakes in my shotgun fruiting chamber. I still have 21 half pint jars that are still colonizing. The strains i am growing are PES Hawaiian and pink buffalo. My advice would be to wait to you see pinning signs invitro (still in the jars). Some strains take longer to fully colonize than others as stated previously, but be patient. Rushing and trying to fruit too early can ruin your cakes. Also look into dunking and rolling, helps to maximize yeild for later flushes. Best of luck on your endeavors. Keep us posted.
i too use the pf tek. I started my batch on the 10th, and just put the first three cakes in my shotgun fruiting chamber. I still have 21 half pint jars that are still colonizing. The strains i am growing are PES Hawaiian and pink buffalo. My advice would be to wait to you see pinning signs invitro (still in the jars). Some strains take longer to fully colonize than others as stated previously, but be patient. Rushing and trying to fruit too early can ruin your cakes. Also look into dunking and rolling, helps to maximize yeild for later flushes. Best of luck on your endeavors. Keep us posted.

Thanks for the info man, I already planned on dunking and rolling. I'm just anxious xD
i bought some verm and it turned out it was really fine..(as opposed to being coarse)..and that slowed me down a bit..but im at like 95% colonization...and i think its been like 3 weeks or so..
Yup looks like we all have the horticultural vermiculite.
To get the coarse vermiculite you'll have to either order it online, or if you can find them in the paint, cement, or swimming pool section of hardware stores.
I just looked at them all and 5 of the newly inoculated 18 jars are showing spots of growth :D