Sativias finishin before indicas? WTF


Well-Known Member
Hey so i had some sativas that have been harvested already, they full matured Way before my indicas. My indicas are still going and need like another 3 weeks. My sativas have been harvested last weed or 2 ago?

And yes the sativas were done, not premature? whats happening?


Well-Known Member
yes they do. You prolly have hybrid anyeway, not a sativa. We in the industry now days call slightly sativa dom hybrids "sativas" when they are not. It's that simple. Your not growing a sativa more than likely.


Active Member
I have a swazi that is suppose to be 100% sativa.
It was the first to bloom and the first to ripen.
And its short too................ sativa my ass.


Well-Known Member
yes they do. You prolly have hybrid anyeway, not a sativa. We in the industry now days call slightly sativa dom hybrids "sativas" when they are not. It's that simple. Your not growing a sativa more than likely.
Ill show you a picture it really looks like a sativa. A buddy of mine made the strain. I think its sweet tooth or somthing and something else not sure.


Well-Known Member
I'm not saying it's not sativa dom, and looks sativa, I'm just saying there are not too many pure sativa strains around, that's all. It's finishing quick, cause it's not pure. There are quick finishing sativas that are pure, but very rare.