16000+ watts medigrow: og kush+ 13 x 1kw hps + 3 x t5 badboys + grotek = *HAPPY JOY*

so here's what i keep getting mixed answers on (irl. it's hard because i only ask people who's opinions i trust, and they still all say something different):

i know i'm supposed to let it sit in the water/ice mix for a while when it's dry shake, but should i let it sit even longer if it's old, dry, shake?

do i sieve it right away, or do i wait until the bubbles are gone?
so here's what i keep getting mixed answers on (irl. it's hard because i only ask people who's opinions i trust, and they still all say something different):

i know i'm supposed to let it sit in the water/ice mix for a while when it's dry shake, but should i let it sit even longer if it's old, dry, shake?

do i sieve it right away, or do i wait until the bubbles are gone?

If I may be so bold......I do not think you need to let it sit any longer if it is old, dry shake. I think the shorter the mixing period and shorter the soaking period, the better the hash.....I hope I am right in assuming you are talking bubble hash?

For my best results, I mix with a wooden or slotted spoon for 4-5 minutes, and then let it rest and soak for about 10-15 minutes. I find that the water stays much more clear, and seems to have less of a green, plant material look to it.

Most of what I do is copying and tweaking Subcool's methods. Not reinventing the wheel....haha.

Hope everyone is well, and hope my advice does not conflict with the experts in this thread!
I've only used wet frozen trim for bubble, not completely wet.

After mixing I let it settle for about 10 minutes.

The more dry the trim is, the easier it breaks into small pieces and contaminates your hash. You will get more hash but less quality. So id mix less
the best bubble i've ever made was from wet frozen shake. but we simply don't have the freezer space right now, and it was not to be, this time. hopefully next time.
i've heard that the sooner you run it, even with dry trim, the better, so i want to git'erdun sooner than later.

there's half a garbage bag of it, sort of mindboggling to think of hashing it out 1/2lb at a time.... (i know i know what HUGE problem to have, right? :lol:)
that's kind of what i figured...

about using fewer bags: i've wondered about that too. i have a 4 bag set (25 --> 220).... if i don't really care about microns and grades and whatnot, can i just use the 220 (to catch the pulpy shit) and the 25?

i miss a good iso wash. it's super-frustrating because i use a boiler method that recovers roughly 95% of the original iso used, with very little escaped vapour, but mr kitty still won't even let me do it outside on a hotplate..... damned hazmat brainwashing. :lol:

He does it for you Kitty, you suddenly wouldn't be the temptress if you were covered with burns on your face. I'm sure it's hard to feel pretty with a half ounce of hash melted into your cheeks. lol, lawd I'm fucked up.

i just tore a nug off "my" (hanging) stash and i couldn't finish the j. even had a heart-palpitation-roller-coaster moment. booooooyaaaaaaaaa
Hexane or dimeth ether are the best as aromatics may come as well . I do not believe purged iso or any is pure but I will find out in six days! 99% pure is is 1% somthing else so if it is water then fine if it is hypocloric acid not so fine ;)
botany is fun! lots of memorising, but fun! you know you're a nerd when your friend is cracking "bacillus" jokes and you're laughing at them ('bacillus', incidentally, means 'rod-shaped').
[video=youtube;gZEdDMQZaCU]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gZEdDMQZaCU [/video]
Yup you gotta find a balance I believe between providing what people want( bang for buck) and the moral highroad I love to tread on with organix;)
it occurs to me that i'm VERY VERY curious about the results, when you get them.... i've always been a bit wary of the claim that if properly purged, there should be ZERO trace of iso/butane/acetone/hexane/whatever people are using for solvents these days, left in the final product; lab tests are more dependable than "should, in theory..." you know?
especially because i have medibles folks on my facebook who are constantly posting articles about how terribly unethical it is to make cannabutter out of bho and pass it off as "medible"...

[edit: just wanted to point out that ^this^ isn't my opinion, but that of my medibles' folks'.... for now, until i see more lab results, i'm a sideline spectator on this issue... ]
Hexane or dimeth ether are the best as aromatics may come as well . I do not believe purged iso or any is pure but I will find out in six days! 99% pure is is 1% somthing else so if it is water then fine if it is hypocloric acid not so fine ;)

ether is SO hard to get ones grubby paws on these days.... (i only know this because i have a friend who used to have a rather hunter s. thompson-esque relationship with it).
ether is SO hard to get ones grubby paws on these days.... (i only know this because i have a friend who used to have a rather hunter s. thompson-esque relationship with it).
I think I might have gallons of that laying around somewhere in the garage. I live with someone who was such a bad ass chemist that he almost went to jail for it, lol.