Mushroom In Resin

so i went into my pill bottle where i keep my bowl. i collected the resin at the bottom, and found a tiny mushroom WTF!!?!? i think i had made a breakthrough in science. i currently have someone looking into it, with his home lab. :peace:


Ursus marijanus
There is a fungus or mold in Indonesia called "bongkrek". It occurs in coconut and is quite toxic, but the name always made me think of moldy smoking-glass. cn


Well-Known Member
well shit if that fungus made you trip...and you had more, that be better then finding a $20 bill at the bottom!


Active Member
Would be funny if it was some crazy shit your not suppose to touch otherwise it seeps through your pores & poisons you.
Would be funnier if you never posted on this forum ever again, thus leaving us all to believe if that happened ...?


Well-Known Member
Wouldn't it be funny if all these new people who insult others for the sake of popularity learned to shut the fuck up.

OP: Try looking I in a mushroom field guide at the local library or online. I always thought fungi like to grow in decaying material so either it's an odd mushrooms or there's something wrong with what you're smoking. Be careful, all these factors sound unhealthy X3

I'd be saying WTF is that shit, myself.