Cfl micro grow box 2nd grow "green house white widow'


Well-Known Member
I hope, just checked the trics on some trim i cut off holy smokes is it starting to produces resin/trics almost completely covered its still early but i should have some covered leafs like all white;-) Im running 264w of CFL and 150w HPS 414w total in another week or so i will be adding another 200 or so watts of cfl so i will be around 600w Around 150w of 4 different spectrums. Thanks for the kind words buddy oh also its starting to smell DANK everytime i ruffle her around it kicks me in the face very very strongly but when she is just chilling you cant smell her but i think thats going to change real quick like i said resin production has started on the leafs and she is shooting all over the place:-)


Well-Known Member
Im only in the end of week 3 12/12 so nothing to great i will try to morrow to get some pics might be the next day tho im still working out kinks and such also im working on switching my 12/12 over so my lights are on during the day and not night ny changing the timer for it to turn on 2 hours later and stay on for two hours longer till i hit the turn and off time im trying to achieve. its 1:30 am here staying up all night the past week or so just to make sure everything runs smoothly but ive put moved the time 4 hours so far only other 6-8 to go im too tired to do that math ahahaha. I will be looking forward to that update buddy.


Well-Known Member
So im germing another 4 fem seeds list as follows.
DNA Sour Cream
Dinafem White Widow
Reserve Privada Confidential Chesse
G13 Labs Pineapple Express
So now i will have
Green House Seeds White Widow
DNA Sour Cream x2
Dinafem Critical +
Dinafem Original Amnesia
Dinafem White Widow
Reserve Privada Confidential Chesse
G13 Labs Pineapple Express
TH Seeds Burmese Kush

Planing on vegging the new additions till my bagseed shows sex then 12/12 they go:-) So probably a 2 week veg and i will be vegging them 200 plus watts of CFL until my GHS WW is finished then i will run all fem seeds under my 150w HPS with around 400 watts of CFL. This is going to be my last grow for awhile so im going all out hahaha hope i can put on somewhat of a show for you fellas. I'll post up some pic updates tomorrow.

Thanks for stopping in


Well-Known Member
So i wrote out a book and the computer fucked up. Next time before posting an update on anothers thread you should ask if they want to see your plants. I chewed up and spit out the last guy who i didn't know that posted an update. A simple hello my name is blah blah and i was wondering if you wanted to see my plants will gain you a LOT of respect.

Now that i jumped on you a little why dont you tell us what strain those are what kinda soil how many watt cfls and what spectrum. Also maybe give full pics of the grow box so we can see im here to help my man all i ask is for respect;-)

Hope i didn't come off to much like an ass but like i said your getting off easy the last guy didn't bahahahahaha Now dont go talking shit like he did plz im only giving you info on how most growers feel on this site. Respect will make a pro grower take you under his wing disrespect will make the same pro never help you again or to start with:-) And i dont consider myself to be pro just well informed but i have endless pro growers that teach me the world and how i got them on my team was by showing respect big things come out of it my man.

Now lets get them bitches banging buddy! Full details give them to me:-)


Well-Known Member
Pic update Kev you asked and you shall receive its nothing fancy only week 3 of bud but im starting to get some resin production should be a frosty ass plant here in another 7 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Yeah week 3 not too bad its a 10 week strain and im going for mostly amber so she will probably see the full 10 weeks:-) I was surprised when i got the pics up you can see the resin starting to be produced and the leafs are completely covered when looking under a scope more so then i have ever seen on a plant. When do you start seeing trics mainly on your plants? Whens the earliest you've seen?


Well-Known Member
For sure just never seen it in week three before especially on a longer flowering plant man i still have 7 weeks left and it already smells like skunk asshole in my grow room hahahah:-)


Well-Known Member
I wont buddy i just hope i get a bigger harvest then last grow like a quarter pound would be nice total dry weight from all my plants.


Well-Known Member
looking good
so u got several things going?
Dig the new avatar Fab glad to have ya on my thread! Yup i still have the widow going from green house seeds "week 3 of 12/12" but i started fuck i can't remember how many but a bunch of other fem and bagseed and im doing those all 12/12 from seed just trying to extend my harvest and boost the numbers slightly. The widow out grew my grow box so now im in the closet with her and the fem 12/12 and the bagseed is in my grow box with 200w of CFL the closet has a 150w hps going and 2 80w cfls for side lighting oh and i have a DIY hydro bagseed going. All the 12/12 are the same age give or take a few days except the newest additions they popped now im waiting on them to sprout. I have 7 weeks left on the widow and some of the strains i have goin 12/12 from seed should be almost done around the same time give or take a few weeks and the ones i just started a few weeks after that. I just woke up from a weed nap so im still a little groggy hope this makes sense cuz im not gonna read it again hitting the bong and lights out biatches hahahahaha Love you all;-)hahahah