Heads up Pacific Northwest, mold has begun


New Member
Just a shout out to the outdoor guys and gals up here in the PNW. Had my ol'lady pull a couple plants today while I was at work. I got home in time to help finish the trim and found about 4 1gram buds had the brown rot. Was a learning experience for the wife who had never seen it before. Just figured I'd share that. The wind and the rain had really pounded them last week and we have had heavy fog the last few morning's since. Results may vary but you might wanna check your weed.
That is all =)


Active Member
Im in the PNW too.
I go check for mold several times a day.
I keep trimming off small patches of it.
Last year was my first outdoor grow and I had to o the same thing then.
Still had a good harvest though.


Well-Known Member
Same here..I cut about 3/4 of a plant on Wednesday that had HUGE buds on Wednesday, had to hack away some bud rot :( ..I'm 60 miles east of Portland where it's much drier too. Cutting down the remainder of the plant I started and one other...My hybrid is almost two weeks out and it's supposed to rain next week pretty good...will be re-enforcing my tent over her cause that wind storm we had over the past weekend wiped it out.


Active Member
The freak heavyrain/wind storm that hit did damage to me too.
So I Cut most of my plants earlier this week...I think I was early, its my first grow.
Got some still going thankfully


Same problem here in New England been a very wet late summer.
im still happy with the temps. still to many rainy high humidity nights/days. i only have one more to pull but shes staying for as long as she can. found a very small amount of mold and removed it. I gave her a little trim job and tied a few branches off to get better air flow and bam your good!


Well-Known Member
can i see a pic of the brown rot?
it looks like this.

if you see any of this, cut out that bud and check buds around it. move the bud away from the stem and look deep.

if you see a sickly, dead leaf sticking out of your bud, that is a dead giveaway of what lies beneath.