Can I go from 1 week of Veg to flowering?

aoR Monday

Active Member
So can i veg one week then go stright to flower 12/12? not there not autos and I'm just trying to get a fast grow in. It's "Swag/Reggie" seeds so let me know.


Well-Known Member
Oh my way buddy:-)AoR check out del's sig was one of the first threads i sah and i joined up to see his pics:-) Bangs em out!


Well-Known Member
well, yes and no. You can switch your lights to 12/12 whenever you want, you can even go 12/12 from the start. So yes on that part. However your plants will still need to go through a veg phase before they are large and mature enough to start flowering. with 12/12 from seed about 3 or 4 weeks personally.

aoR Monday

Active Member
one more thing do I put it straight under 400w hps or wait till i see pre flowers? also when i do put it under hps how far should it be?


Well-Known Member
as long as they are kept at distance and dont get dried out you can put them under the 400 no problem


Well-Known Member
You can do it with clones, not seeds.

I have started seeds and cuttings under 400w and 1000w with no bad side effects, most people have the lights too close. Plants outside get full sun and do just fine. Nothing like looking to mother nature to check your logic.


Well-Known Member
im wondering if maybe cues was responding to the original question and saying you can get clones from mature plants vegged for a short time after rooting to flower almost right away(which is somewhat true) or that it was ok to start clones under a 400w but not seeds. could you clarify cues? ive also started under 400w and 600w hps, ive got a good cooltube and ventilation so i dont really change the distance much when doing seedlings as heat is no problem.


Active Member
If they are autos, 12/12 should have no effect on flowering other than to reduce the final yield. Autos run on their own internal clock.

One of the advantages of autos is that you can keep pumping light into them at 18/6 even while flowering.

For a photoperiod, the longer you veg, the bigger the plant when it starts flowering and the bigger the yield. Some growers even start 12/12 from seed others veg for six weeks


Well-Known Member
Yes DD, I meant it's OK to flower from 1 week old clones (more than 4-6 week old parentage depending upon strain in my opinion). Apologies for not being more clear. Personally, I would be more careful about big rises in light from clones but that's just me. I am trying to cut-out the in-between stage from tiny root-riot cubes to hydro. i.e. not using the 3" blocks. I have no experience of autos. However, having grown from both seed and cuttings, it's interesting to watch the tiny clones and see that they are almost desperate to flower.