Is this PH damage?


Active Member
New batch on its way. They all came from seeds germinated the same time (About a week ago). The Mastodon Kush and Holy Grail 69 look like they are doing just great! Now these other two clearly have issues haha. The tiny one is a Mazar Kush, and the other is The Church. Im bummed because I REALLY wanted to get a good test run with the Church.

SO! They have been on 24 hours light, planted in pure CoConot, Following Fox Farms schedule so just Big Bloom so far. 77ish degrees steady. Im just not sure what is these two's problems lmfao. They had the exact same water n everything!

The Church feels like tissue paper. And the tiny Mazar took 3 more days to spit a tap root out, and it is now just itty bitty, but totally green lol.

Any ideas?
All Side.jpgAll.jpgTop.jpg


Well-Known Member
Signs of Too Much Fertilizer
Flush marijuana plant with 25% recommended nutrients and back off the food, too much too soon. Like giving a baby chips and beer. Liquid Karma is a great way to start and grow your little ones.


Active Member
Signs of Too Much Fertilizer
Flush marijuana plant with 25% recommended nutrients and back off the food, too much too soon. Like giving a baby chips and beer. Liquid Karma is a great way to start and grow your little ones.
Sorry I shoulda mentioned they were watered with nutes for the first time after they started spitting out the second node. I did use some on the tiny guy yesterday though in hopes that maybe it needed something? lmfao. I think the little girl is going to get trashed soon. Shit hasnt changed since sprout.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Like Woodsman says it's probably overfeeding. Can you check the pH? It's not THAT critical in soil (IF the soil is properly buffered), but
i'd check the run off water, just to eliminate that.


Active Member
Like Woodsman says it's probably overfeeding. Can you check the pH? It's not THAT critical in soil (IF the soil is properly buffered), but
i'd check the run off water, just to eliminate that.

Run off is @ about 6.2 or 6.3. I think the CoConot is 6.0 cuz I water with like 6.4 to 6.5.

Is it possible the little seed was old? Isnt the severely stunted aspect usually found in old seeds? Its perfectly healthy, but just TINY.


Well-Known Member
Are those lighter patches necrotic? If not it may just be a bad seed. But other then that it looks over fed and over watered.


Active Member
To be honest the pictures dont do the Church justice. Its much worse then the pics indicate lol! The white spots on it are like bubbly. And like I mentioned before those spots feel like a kleenex. They are also a much lighter yellow in those spots than the picture shows


Well-Known Member
The white spots on it are like bubbly. And like I mentioned before those spots feel like a kleenex.
I personally have only seen that as a mutation in feminized seeds. That dose not mean that is what is it but could be. On the other hand if it a seedling inVeg it may need some veg nutes. I noticed your giving them Big Bloom. In veg they need veg nutes.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Your pH is a bit low for soil IMHO, but not enough to be that big a prob. Probably over fed. Back off the nutes like Woodsman said. Do the affected areas crumble or are they still supple? If they don't crumble, they may recover.


Active Member
They dont crumble at all. They still have moisture in them. But they have bubbled up and have a kleenex feel. So kinda the opposite of drying out..


Well-Known Member
If they have patches of white like paper that's too close to the light.

So lets see what to do?????? FLUSH!!!!!

When you just don't know Flush. When I grow seeds or clones I only feed with Liquid Karma, that's all they get till they have 2 sets of leaves.

Hope you get it sorted before you kill them. It's not Ph.

Just flush the seedling with water gently and slow, slow. The others use 25% nutrients, why give them food when your trying to flush, the issue is the first and easiest element to get out is Nitrogen, but if it gets to low other elements like Magnesium lock up in the plant, that causes other issues. There are others but you get the idea. So using 25% means you always have enough N to get the others out.


U owe me 25$ for the lesson, sorry it's double time on weekends 50$ LOL hope this helps

Puff puff puff