ya, i had a cool tube that i wasnt venting just the tube and put a bulb in
the socket with no airflow besides what was coming out the sides. after a
couple days the thing burnt out from too much heat. just something to
think about!
i like the idea that LB suggested- constantly venting your light and have
your exhaust kick on when it exceeds your set temp. the only problem with
that and your setup, IMHO, is the temps might be too cold for your co2 to
make much of a difference. but also that way you will keep more co2 in
the closet because your exhaust fan wont be kicking on as much. i wonder
what would be more efficient in your case....?.. venting the lights would
certainly be better if you added the other 1kw.
just my 2 cents on your grow! thanks for sharing, i cant wait till i see the
outcome of your multistrain grow!!!!!