Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

PS why's that shit so black? Mine always looks like light peanut butter..............

It depends on the strains a lot..... For those pictures, I had like an ounce of indica and the rest hybrids...... about 6-10 strains total... shake combined together..

The lighter sativas will come out more yellow, and golden..... The darker oil like above, when flattened out, looks like dark amber (think amber trichome color).....You also see the light color when the oil gets puffed out during vaccum (as cryptkeeper pointed out)....... but when you pile on a few grams of the amber oil in a small area, it just absorbs all the light and looks dark brown almost black.... it's a lot of the photo making it look darker too 8).... If I could shine light through the back, you would see the true color... But my dishes are not clear.


here is a side by side comparison.... 100% the same technique (vacuum purging).... left was made with 2 oz of various collected shake..... the right was made with 1oz home grown tangerine dream cola trim / cure jar shake...

tangerine dream
This is a technique, posted by our very own Benassi.

For you folks that want a general idea on the process, this is a good video.

He uses a hand powered vacuum pump to purge his oil.... Note that there are more ways to purify your oil.... Some people whip, or just let theirs dry. :)
I really liked letting it sit in the plate warmer drawer. Sat there and bubbled and bubbled till it didnt any more and it looked like silly putty with peanut butter =)
no dude rum is nasty full of impurities go for either vodka or aguardiente
wow, thanks. I'm glad I waited.I almost got Vodka prob, I'll just throw the rum in the ole' liquor cabnet and get me some V this weekend...thanks again
Im loving this, I got a ounce or two of trimmings around I want to try to make some. Where do you guys find those glass tubes for extracting? Do you find grinding up as fine as possible makes a difference?
alcohol takes alot longer, and is much easier to mess up... its taken years of experimenting to be able to make isopropyl based oil that is transparent/smells like bud or the raw fuel like smell of thc, alcohol oil tends to be more oil like than bho, most bho is rather hard where alcohol based can give a result of a more gel like texture... or grease if its low quality haha
bho is much more user friendly for getting good results, but also is abit more dangerous to do, others would be better suited to tell you about bho as personally i dont use it.
Im loving this, I got a ounce or two of trimmings around I want to try to make some. Where do you guys find those glass tubes for extracting? Do you find grinding up as fine as possible makes a difference?

consistentcy is key... you dont want it too fine, or you wont get a good flow of butane through your tube..

i leave my herb chunky... but break up nuggets... and pack moderately
consistentcy is key... you dont want it too fine, or you wont get a good flow of butane through your tube..

i leave my herb chunky... but break up nuggets... and pack moderately

Very interesting, im going to start getting all supplies to do this cant wait!
Cool thread, thats some crazy shit you guys are doing....I love it! For now, I'm sticking with the bubble bags and icewater for fear that my dumbass will melt the house by this time next year I plan to be cooking. I'll be here reading and learning untill then.
just for any who are wondering, my set of tools for making the oil that i do are as follows
4x 2L pop bottles
2x reusable coffee filters
a stack of disposable coffee filters, and some cotton balls

quality of material is EVERYTHING!
dont expect to make honey oil out of something that you wouldnt roll up and smoke happily
it can be done... but takes significant more experience!
Im loving this, I got a ounce or two of trimmings around I want to try to make some. Where do you guys find those glass tubes for extracting? Do you find grinding up as fine as possible makes a difference?

I make my own, for one that could hold an ounce, $25 delivered for you. :)

just for any who are wondering, my set of tools for making the oil that i do are as follows
4x 2L pop bottles
2x reusable coffee filters
a stack of disposable coffee filters, and some cotton balls

quality of material is EVERYTHING!
dont expect to make honey oil out of something that you wouldnt roll up and smoke happily
it can be done... but takes significant more experience!

It doesnt take more experience, it takes more butane. :)