1st Bagseed Grow


Active Member
you figure out how youre going to get holes in it? what about plant height? looking at fans right now


Active Member
you figure out how youre going to get holes in it? what about plant height? looking at fans right now
going to drill it with circle cutter, easy. The height should be fine either. I germinated Fast bud2 with PH'd water. Couldn't wait anymore lol


Active Member
no i'll be starting the coco mix later this week. all my supplies should be here by the end of the week. the bat poop and worm castings will make so i dont even have to feed it for a couple weeks. all i have to do is water once a day


Active Member
oooo 8 is bad. get that shit down, how was your weekend bro?
not so good buddy. I was little sick & hangover nd stuff.

I used lemon juice to make ph down, seems little better than vinegar. It's keep rebounding so i had to put more nd more.. going to order ph down/up tomm!!


Active Member
hey, i was hungover too, and i just got sick myself. i think the alchohol makes it easy to get sick. got all sorts of snot coming out of my face


Active Member
fuck i gotta start work out again. My job starts tomm finally! sick of sleeping doing nothing dude. take a look at my seed. little stretching huh?