No compassion Centers

Argh, I was waiting for someone else to say it. Politics man, anyways all us caregivers need to step it up. We the people right?
Caregivers can sit back and relax knowing dispensaries will not be taking their jobs. Some affiliated with dispensaries have been supporting the laws to get rid of caregivers. Looks like more sketchy patient to caregiver meetings and trading for compensation.
i dont know why people think the centers were gonna save them..You were gonna be paying 275-350+ an OZ from those centers so dont think it was gonna make it all so easy...It was gonna give patients that dont have a caregiver or cant get one or has a grow problem so they will have somewhere to go.I was not gonna be dependent on the centers but was pushing for them,BUT still say grow for yourself,of get a trustworthy/fair caregiver.
personally I think RI is to small for CCs, and caregivers make more sense, but I am in favor of the CCs opening because I do not think they will take the place of the caregivers. At least in this persons opinion. I am curious about how the CCs will operate and may visit one or two, but until I see for myself I think I will stay with my CG who is very compassionate with my needs. Our right to grow is very important, lets not take that for granted. See you at the state house Sat 2pm. Stay medicated
I'm also one of the people on the fence. Personally I'm still new and I spent a lot of time reading the laws for my personal protection. I haven't read any of the compassion center stuff besides what I've heard on tv. I do have an opinion like anyone else though.

I think that having this program without a compassion center, something... anything - that's ridiclous. Seriously, there are some people who can't pick up their perscriptions for physical/health reasons, nevermind green meds. Also, there are some people trying this for the first time, what should they do?

Whats sickening is we live in a model state for the CC's to somehow allie with the fed's and show them that they can operate legally and legitamately. I think the only way "we" as patients win this fight is if they, with their own eyes, see legal, responsible businesses who help sick people.

Anyone who's been to business school knows that large corporations do tests in our area all the time. The geography and population density of RI, MA, CT - it's perfect for research and development. Thats why we always get all kinds of funky new products (like sodas) that seem to come and go. The rest of the nation isn't expose to that like we are, it would cost a company too much to test a new product if they rolled it out nationwide and it (which it usually does) flops.

To me a compassion center shouldn't just sell cannabis either. I think these places should be counseling sites as well... or else it matters well just be called a pharmacy. As I said, some people are using this for the first time - plus a lot of people have not been exposed to the world of medicinal strains. If you don't know what your doing then your really not helping yourself, and if a compassion center if providing someone medicine and not giving them the appriopriate information, then they aren't helping the patient either.

I wonder if we built the perfect center on paper if they'd listen.
RI needs compassion centers!
but there role should be as a "back up" or last alternative. I don't think people should look for them to be their primary source for medication.
Its all about options the more options you have the more available medication is to you.
frankly i thing compassionate care centers are great! if you as a caregiver tried to provide all the things that a compassion center could (and which those in other states do) you'd: be over your plant count (because you'd have to have 12+ varieties of top shelf meds, have to be constantly cooking all kinds of different canna-foods, lollipops, tinctures of all shapes and sizes, other medibles like strips or chili or salsa and the like, multiple kinds of hash and extracts and concentrates AND HAVE THEM ALL THE TIME, ALWAYS CONSISTENT)... do you really think that you can do (by yourself) what a team of people can do and bring to the table? the reason compassionate care centers work is that instead of only having what you are having today, you could just focus on one thing and do it really well, and then more than 5 other people can benefit from it as well, you can specialize and really focus on delivering quality products to patients, without having to be all things to all people... just my two cents...
I want dispensaries so I can go pick up clones whenever I want! I'm incredibly jealous of people posting journals or threads saying "I just picked up some (Insert Crazy Strain) from my local dispensary" and the pictures are one foot plants... Crazy...
Everyone needs to understand, that whether the Governor signs the law or not, there will not be dispensaries as they are planned now. If they open these centers, everyone connected with them will arrested and the leaders will go to Federal prison. Plus that will mean the Feds will spend time poking around our state and everyone growing will have reason to be nervous. Perhaps you haven't seen the Federal Government in action, they have no sense of compassion and no sense of humor.
The Rhode Island Courts are not going to force the Governor to commit a Federal crime.
The law needs to be changed. We need to quit arguing over our current plan, and get with the program.
Whatever it is needs to be local and decentralized, with lots of small dispensaries, each supplied with their own group of caregiver-growers.
No one should be able to "make money" by being involved with a dispensary. People can't invest capital and expect profits or losses.
I imagine something more like the Del's lemonade stands that seem to be everywhere. Lots of small entrepreneurs, people for who the growing and selling of marijuana is a labor of love.
Whatever it is, it has to be different from what we have now.
I as a free man should not be held in contempt for self medication with a personally grown natural resource.
Caregivers can sit back and relax knowing dispensaries will not be taking their jobs.

The real ones never wanted to. Greenleaf and Slater stood by our side as we protested these bills

Some affiliated with dispensaries have been supporting the laws to get rid of caregivers.

That was Summit, also, the only one that had an industrial plan that would get the federal attention and they are now out of the game, the money has left, Cuttino invested in Maine instead. NOW whats the Governors excuse going to be. "Dispensaries will not work in locations with more than 10" of snow in the winter months"...ok Mr Governor....

Everyone needs to understand, that whether the Governor signs the law or not, there will not be dispensaries as they are planned now. If they open these centers, everyone connected with them will arrested and the leaders will go to Federal prison.

Could you explain why?
-10 amendment states that the state has precedence over the fed in matters concerning the health and welfare of the citizens of the state. This has been and is being tested and proven to in states all around us who again,....are operating, SOME EVEN USING OUR MODEL, as we speak,...with NO issue from the feds
-There has NEVER been a federal raid on a STATE REGULATED agency who was in compliance with state law.

Plus that will mean the Feds will spend time poking around our state and everyone growing will have reason to be nervous

The feds dont care about me and my 12 plants

Perhaps you haven't seen the Federal Government in action,

Not against a state regulated compassion center, have you?

The Rhode Island Courts are not going to force the Governor to commit a Federal crime.

Again, it's not a crime, please stop perpetuating the Governors myth

The law needs to be changed. We need to quit arguing over our current plan, and get with the program.

I agree but there is NO REASON the 2 centers can't open and begin taking care of as many as they can till we can catch up with the legislation. It's better than giving them nothing for another 2 years.IMO

Whatever it is needs to be local and decentralized, with lots of small dispensaries, each supplied with their own group of caregiver-growers.

NOW we're on the same page,lol :)

No one should be able to "make money" by being involved with a dispensary. People can't invest capital and expect profits or losses.

Well, I know I don't work for free, are you suggesting they man them with volunteer staff only? Not saying its a totally bad idea, just asking. I agree that a budtender doesn't need a $250,000/yr salary tho ;)

I imagine something more like the Del's lemonade stands that seem to be everywhere. Lots of small entrepreneurs, people for who the growing and selling of marijuana is a labor of love.

Fucking brilliant,...and they can DELIVER! Didn't cheech and chong have this idea way back when?

Please don't take my comments as confrontational, I'm just stimulating conversation and COMPLETELY respect your opinion.