They are visible to the naked eye, looks like a black dot in front with transparent wings,,,wings are much longet than the body, this suckers are easy to catch seems they dont like to fly much, problem is the more i pluck them the more i see, they usually rest on smaller leaves that have resine on them. Some black dots accompany them (i think it may be their crap)
Am 2 to 3 weeks from harvesting, can i treat with something without damaging buds, with what, how and when.
Can this bugs ruin my crop ?
Please help, thank you in advance
Please note i have another thread going about leaves turning purple on edges which i think could be another issue, or could it be related.
Am 2 to 3 weeks from harvesting, can i treat with something without damaging buds, with what, how and when.
Can this bugs ruin my crop ?
Please help, thank you in advance
Please note i have another thread going about leaves turning purple on edges which i think could be another issue, or could it be related.