Welch's Juice adds flavor and color!

now you can say everything in the book has been tried for an additive to growing weed, yeah probably...was it all documented and the knowledge of "hey this killed my shit" passed on down through those generations? Not really...Trying something new and different for experimentation isn't a BAD thing, neither is stifling ones creativity...how do you know that there might be a substance out there that might be in Welch's juice taken in from the ground at which those grapes were grown that isn't transferred into the marijuana by its root systems regardless if its broken down...it MIGHT still do something...

so that insane kid down the road who keeps jumping off the steps and repeatedly smashes his face off the pavement while trying to do skateboard tricks...MIGHT become a professional skateboarder one day and be very famous...shitty analogy but you get the idea...

If you want to learn how to grow cannabis...actually do the research and understand what a plant needs...

And then you want to experiment a little, drawing on your knowledge and experience...by all means.

But when you have such little understanding about cannabis that you make insane claims about Grape Juice producing amazing results in Grape Ape, you're not experimenting or being creative...you're leaping without looking, not understanding what the fuck you're talking about, and generally embarrassing yourself...:joint:
You my friend are a idiot ;)
First plants don't absorb complex carbs lol go pick up a book kiddo.
Second you are also making a cess pool for just about every pest out there.
How about you grow weed properly instead of giving it something THAT'S INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.
You want it to be purple drop the temp, you want flavor learn how to grow good weed prick.
So unless any of you have seen welch's fail in giving marijuana flavor/smell/color, your argument has as much credibility as mine. Most of you started typing your reply on how stupid this idea was before you even thought if there was a way that it was possible. But because you have seen so many people fail in trying to add any one of these 3 aspects of bud, you have convinced yourself that there is no way possible and there never will be.

Don't know how you can say something won't work without even trying it.
Don't know how you can say something won't work without even trying it.

Because we understand what the plant needs and how it gets it.

If someone told me I could cure a cold by kicking myself in the head, I wouldn't need to try it, because I understand how the immune system works. Make sense?
so if i piss on my plants or shit in the soil, my buds are going to either be green or brown?? i call bullshit, we all know this doesn't work...
i can't believe people actually believe this horse shit.. :)
thanks alot for blowing all my secrets Racer !!!! now my brown stomper and my golden shower strains are outa the bag!
So unless any of you have seen welch's fail in giving marijuana flavor/smell/color, your argument has as much credibility as mine. Most of you started typing your reply on how stupid this idea was before you even thought if there was a way that it was possible. But because you have seen so many people fail in trying to add any one of these 3 aspects of bud, you have convinced yourself that there is no way possible and there never will be.

Don't know how you can say something won't work without even trying it.
I did in fact try this several years ago with a batch of white widow, half of them got it & the other half did not. Dried & cured identically. Absolutely no difference in taste or appearance.
Sorry to bust that theory, but it is a myth. ;-)
You my friend are a idiot ;)
First plants don't absorb complex carbs lol go pick up a book kiddo.
Second you are also making a cess pool for just about every pest out there.
How about you grow weed properly instead of giving it something THAT'S INTENDED FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.
You want it to be purple drop the temp, you want flavor learn how to grow good weed prick.

Ya I know they don't absorb complex carbs, I never said they did,
Also, I'm not adding straight grape juice, I only put a small amount with water. So it doesn't attract bugs.
So why do people give plants molasses? Isn't that made for human consumption?
Dropping the temp doesn't turn buds 100% purple.
the only thing that works well is Snipe poop...next time you go Snipe hunting try to collect soem of their caca..makes great fertilizer!
the only thing that works well is Snipe poop...next time you go Snipe hunting try to collect soem of their caca..makes great fertilizer!

last time i went snipe hunting i got attcked by the goat man and raw head bloody bones chased me. it was only then i realized, the damn snipes roll with the goatman and rawhead. :|
last time i went snipe hunting i got attcked by the goat man and raw head bloody bones chased me. it was only then i realized, the damn snipes roll with the goatman and rawhead. :|
yeah man, its dangerous when the goats support the Snipes...damn goats!
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6395739 said:
those who believe in using molasses say it gives there buds a sweeter taste

That is because they do not understand plants and what molasses does. Molasses feeds the living microbes in soil helping them to break down elements into a form that is usable by the plants.

When people do not know how something works, but they believe it works, they attribute whatever cause and effect they 'think' is at play.

Seldom are they correct.
That is because they do not understand plants and what molasses does. Molasses feeds the living microbes in soil helping them to break down elements into a form that is usable by the plants.

When people do not know how something works, but they believe it works, they attribute whatever cause and effect they 'think' is at play.

Seldom are they correct.
well put Brick....you gotta think of it as a vitaman instead a of a meal
So unless any of you have seen welch's fail in giving marijuana flavor/smell/color, your argument has as much credibility as mine.

I have seen it, and many other things, fail to do as you claim it will a number of times over the decades.

Just stop and think a moment. It has been tried, repeatedly, over decades of people growing cannabis. If it worked as you claim it will wouldn't it long before now have become common knowledge and something most people would do?

I just LOVE puppies who think they just discovered the wheel, but who instead only rediscovered the failed square wheel that many before them also discovered and failed with.
I did in fact try this several years ago with a batch of white widow, half of them got it & the other half did not. Dried & cured identically. Absolutely no difference in taste or appearance.
Sorry to bust that theory, but it is a myth. ;-)

^^ there we go, an intelligent, rational, non asshole response, thank you!