gnome grown... do you have a vapor discharge port on your electric pump? It looks like everythings closed up..
I was using mine the other day, again, and after about 5 minutes of running, when I tried to equalize the pressure ---- the oil from
inside the vacuum pump started to travel back out into my vacuum chamber...... though this time it didnt come out the lines more than a little mL... and my oil was unaffected
I'm wondering WHY the oil travels back up the line? I have it all hooked up correctly... Is my pump overheating, or is it faulty

I'm wondering if I should get what your using! Mine cost $150 though
Faded you can get in on this too, I've seen you with a pump hooked up....
My experience with electric pumps has been less than fun. I'm wondering if I'm doing something wrong

Maybe I should have the chamber elevated a few feet above my vacuum pump, so the vacuum pump oil doesn't back up into the chamber when I equalize.... But I feel as though I shouldn't need to do that!!