my bad i guess i misread your post. but yes we are made of nothing but energy. what do you mean by we control the energy?
simply that if everything is "energy", we are the only controllers of it( visible anyway..)
how are you so sure it is real?
row row ,your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily, life is but a dream.
check out the veda´s and then check out quantum physics 
but even if life were but a dream, is it any less real?
why does it seem real? because of how it feels, the astral trip, the trip to the other side and lucid dreaming, all felt distinctly different.
the different levels of astral all had different levels of feel and also corresponded with other people experiences
and same with the other side..
why do i doubt the real world is that real (making "us" the only real thing in existence and how can that die?)
well, stuff like lightbulbs exploding when im highly manic and feeling charged (not fluo, they can flicker though when willed)
stuff like willing lightbulbs to flicker (only can do it feeling really charged)
willing malfunctional computers to work.
sensing electrical fields..
my computer hasnt malfunctioned since i "adjusted" my energy to not fuck with it unintentionally (was always chrashing and shit)
a friend around whom, cars just got better when he got in them (never anything huge, but small things working again)
same with another with computers (long before i was messing and experimenting around (..mostly forced)
...stuff like, healing headaches and minor aches (even a lame leg one time, but i was bit tipsy and highly manic and very happy (just got married (the same night even))
its nothing major stuff, but enough to make one wonder, if we had enough faith and were balanced enough, happy, charged and by talking faith i mean in ourselves and this being a dream.
could we.
or walk on water? (though please try the flying part by RAISING yourself off the ground, not jumping off a tall house please if anyone´s interested LOL)
but willpower and an i dont give a shit, i can do it or at least try, gets you pretty far
lay in bed because of a sickness for 4 years and then ran up a mountain.
halfway up, i was superexhausted, but simply imagined the power flowing from the mountain and into my legs and rejuvenating me.
and ran on up.
beat my brother by 15 minutes and he was in shape (not in bed for 4 years anyway..)
..the kinda stuff that makes you wonder if you are crazy... 
but dont give too much of a fuck nowadays..have too often run into the fact, that if Everyone thinks so (but cant explain why) its probably wrong.
plus its interesting.
we do know that our thoughts, senses, memories, consciousness, and everything else we think about is merely a function of the brain. if the brain does not work, you no longer have those abilities. how can someone suspect that our 'soul' leaves our body and goes to some afterlife? there is no evidence for this. the soul would not have our memories, thoughts, or senses. we would be blind and deaf, and wont know who or what we are.
interestingly , while astral travelling in the less real zones, you expend very little energy, but in the "more real" zones, you actually have a limited quota that you bring with you.
as if as simply being in this reality required quite alot of energy. (it being more real)
would be a neat explanation that explained this with just some chemical process in the body.
the more mysteries science solves, the more we will know about the natural world, and the less we will need to make up in order to comfort ourselves.