Opinions About Death

After doing a bunch of drugs and thinking about life and death, the worse case scenerio of death to me is that after death we wait until the universe ends(whether we know were dead or just waiting for a different feeling other then being dead).

Then when the big bang occurs everything happens in the same exact order, just to do it again. I think that there are things alot bigger when it cames to my existance. My existance just makes me feel insuperior to someone who never existed. Because someone who never existed is fresh, pure, clean and completely undefiled.

The universe is just in the backround, resetting just like a dvd.
Except somehow with drugs I became something new, and learned a new emotion completely.
Now I try to change my destiny, even if it means just realizing that I can't.
Shrooooooms :)
hmm, im perfectly content with the idea of life after death and leave it at that.
if im wrong, It would be like sleeping and id never know.
see you again, instead of goodbye forever, suits me much better.
can just focus on the now and forget death.

i dont think about it anymore than i do 20-30 years into the future. occasionally but just out of curiousity not dread.

worrying about death... thats like going to a party and spend the entire time obsessing about the end of the party and how much its going to suck.

missing the party.:)
forgetting that there might be other parties, but they are kinda irrelevant at the moment, you are allready in a party.
Generealy speaking it seems the that every race of humanity has followed the idea of an afterlife since the
times of old antiquity,But as knowledge increases about the world of science we continualy debunk the afterlife or merely
attempt to in theory.If the idea of an afterlife is only theory,then how is it humankind has held this idea for
so long with the theory only changing through different religions and its conveiyance.Of course this isnt asking if
we keep our minds or thoughts after dying but it hasnt been truely debunked
to were its busted as a myth would be,we just understand that what we see of the dead person is no longer physicaly active in
this world and that it dosent seem possible that anything is underlying in the background so to speak.
Generealy speaking it seems the that every race of humanity has followed the idea of an afterlife since the
times of old antiquity,But as knowledge increases about the world of science we continualy debunk the afterlife or merely
attempt to in theory.If the idea of an afterlife is only theory,then how is it humankind has held this idea for
so long with the theory only changing through different religions and its conveiyance.Of course this isnt asking if
we keep our minds or thoughts after dying but it hasnt been truely debunked
to were its busted as a myth would be,we just understand that what we see of the dead person is no longer physicaly active in
this world and that it dosent seem possible that anything is underlying in the background so to speak.

...I don't know how much time any discipline has spent in a post mortem state. Surely not enough time to formulate spiritual or scientific law. I know that I'd be like "...sht!" :)

In terms of a continuation of life as it was on earth? Death is change too, so I don't know.
death is the end of everything ,i dont know why people still debate such things , like death can be compared to going asleep in that when it happens you wont know about it ,thats it simple but hard to take in thats why we have religion for people who cant except these things , if you believe otherwise well thats nice for you nothing wrong with it , I have had lots of these debates with friends and we mull over the same stuff for instance ill say it says in the bible god made the earth in 7 days well 6 he took a break on the seventh day and science proves the earth took millions of years to form and millions more to cool from molten form ,also ill say if god made everything who made god ,but then they say well if you believe in the big bang who made the stuff for that or were did it come from and so on and on we go...
Anyway the trouble for me in people believing in an after life or heaven is that they treat THIS life as something thats not so important ,for me this planet is heaven + hell all in one it can be whatever we choose to make it , if we all get greedy then the earth will turn to a hellish planet fire in the seas and such like , if we take only what we need then the earth has enough for everyone
But just think there is no proof whatsoever of any ghosts or spirits or whatever actually existing so for me its quite simple it doesnt exist like aliens and the kraken a certain portly gentleman in a red cloak springs to mind , i know it is hard maybe impossible to think one day you wont exist in any shape or form and eventually all memories of you will be gone and all the people you knew will be dead but this is a good thing because you still have time to tell them people you love them and hug them so enjoy life thats what its for.

sorry but i once met a man who said he found god when he was 19 and now he was like 75 and he was trying to get me to pray (his dog attacked me on a field so we got talking) i said i dont want to pray i dont believe so he said hed pray for me i said ok (sos not to offend him ) anyway he prayed then he started crying i asked what was up ,he said he had cancer and he was sad because it was unlikley he would be cured . ok 2 points 1 if you believe in god why would you want a cure he has given you illness for a reason surely and besides its your ticket to heaven . 2 Why cry if you belive you go to a better place surely some sort of celebration is in order.
And if any of you religious people even have had a jab this makes no sense at all ,if you truley believe you wouldnt even go to doctors youd be looking forward to death, but sadly this is why even people who say they believe cry at funerals because deep down they know the truth
And if any of you religious people even have had a jab this makes no sense at all ,if you truley believe you wouldnt even go to doctors youd be looking forward to death, but sadly this is why even people who say they believe cry at funerals because deep down they know the truth

...well, I think they tend to have loved the deceased also. I know from personal experience that when I can't talk to people I loved while in this state (of living), I am usually not partying much.

I see what you're saying, but do you know what it takes to be completely unaffected by death? Yes, dead.
simple all yuh really have in this life is life and death.. so death is nothing and now is all yuh have!
To die the death of the self one my discover what it is to live. Are you willing to die? (to be responsible I am not talking about the physical death)
true landmark to true.It makes one think about how precious life really is when you think about how no one will be here again as they are in body and mind.A one time experience of the instance we are living in is part of the beauty of life.One could say the death of the self could be the death of the ego and in return having selflessness with liberation of the multitude of petty desires of the self ,everyone dies not eveyone truely lives,are you willing to live?
Hi there, Speaking of death prediction, I find it really odd that one of the on-line death prediction services showed me the same death date that I was foretold in my dream about a year ago. http://yourdeathdate.info/1/index.html - I can’t explain this coincidence in any other way except that there must be some kind of magic involved here.
about getting old.

take a look at most of the presidents that went into office with dark hair and 4 years later had mostly grey hair. (or any high ranking politician or person under stress)

did you know that when you are afraid, the bloodflow gets restricted (you hunch you shoulders, pucker your ass and whatnot)

did you know that most people that reach a high age, had something to keep them happy? (one 100+ thanked his long life to cigars and cognac (stuff he enjoyed very much(without a care about what other people said about it (no stress))

did you know that many people when retiring , die quite soon after, if they didnt have any hobbies? (stuff to keep them interested in life..)


my bad i guess i misread your post. but yes we are made of nothing but energy. what do you mean by we control the energy?

simply that if everything is "energy", we are the only controllers of it( visible anyway..)

how are you so sure it is real?

row row ,your boat, gently down the stream, merrily merrily, life is but a dream.

check out the veda´s and then check out quantum physics :)

but even if life were but a dream, is it any less real?

why does it seem real? because of how it feels, the astral trip, the trip to the other side and lucid dreaming, all felt distinctly different.
the different levels of astral all had different levels of feel and also corresponded with other people experiences
and same with the other side..

why do i doubt the real world is that real (making "us" the only real thing in existence and how can that die?)
well, stuff like lightbulbs exploding when im highly manic and feeling charged (not fluo, they can flicker though when willed)
stuff like willing lightbulbs to flicker (only can do it feeling really charged)

willing malfunctional computers to work.
sensing electrical fields..
my computer hasnt malfunctioned since i "adjusted" my energy to not fuck with it unintentionally (was always chrashing and shit)

a friend around whom, cars just got better when he got in them (never anything huge, but small things working again)
same with another with computers (long before i was messing and experimenting around (..mostly forced)

...stuff like, healing headaches and minor aches (even a lame leg one time, but i was bit tipsy and highly manic and very happy (just got married (the same night even))

its nothing major stuff, but enough to make one wonder, if we had enough faith and were balanced enough, happy, charged and by talking faith i mean in ourselves and this being a dream.

could we.


or walk on water? (though please try the flying part by RAISING yourself off the ground, not jumping off a tall house please if anyone´s interested LOL)

but willpower and an i dont give a shit, i can do it or at least try, gets you pretty far
lay in bed because of a sickness for 4 years and then ran up a mountain.

halfway up, i was superexhausted, but simply imagined the power flowing from the mountain and into my legs and rejuvenating me.

and ran on up.

beat my brother by 15 minutes and he was in shape (not in bed for 4 years anyway..)

..the kinda stuff that makes you wonder if you are crazy... :)
but dont give too much of a fuck nowadays..have too often run into the fact, that if Everyone thinks so (but cant explain why) its probably wrong.

plus its interesting.

we do know that our thoughts, senses, memories, consciousness, and everything else we think about is merely a function of the brain. if the brain does not work, you no longer have those abilities. how can someone suspect that our 'soul' leaves our body and goes to some afterlife? there is no evidence for this. the soul would not have our memories, thoughts, or senses. we would be blind and deaf, and wont know who or what we are.

interestingly , while astral travelling in the less real zones, you expend very little energy, but in the "more real" zones, you actually have a limited quota that you bring with you.
as if as simply being in this reality required quite alot of energy. (it being more real)

would be a neat explanation that explained this with just some chemical process in the body.

the more mysteries science solves, the more we will know about the natural world, and the less we will need to make up in order to comfort ourselves.

yes, but that does not say that any of this isnt real. but if you find it comforting that such isnt real, then by all means keep that attitude.

So many people think within the concept that we have this "soul" which leaves the body at death while preaching
about something that cannot be fused with evidence on any level then want to have you believe that youre a fool for
not seeing what they do and call you blind,its some level of ego that makes these people believe that they are
an enlightened person,and having this sense that you do not.When in actuality it is the foolhardy notion
that drives there way of thinking to the lines of pshychological insanity.Once they actualy do understand that once
the end of life has occured and are no longer of this world a profound sense can take place, that is the
enlightenment needed to extract the illusion of eternal life out of the line of reasoning.Fear is the key
player in this,but to have someone tell you that your blind while they cling to their blanket of
nonsense security is just laughable......some people.
yet you do not have any evidence of your own.

without any proof, do you call them insane. and laughable fools.
maybe they had an experience which you havent had. probably misunderstood it to heck and back, but it gave them security and comfort.
something they wished to share with you. (though they were wrong on calling you a fool)
dunno...even it were a fairy tale, its a bit better than "we are all meat robots decaying in time, till the end of time, when it maybe starts up again, meatrobots to infinity and beyond"

though, ina way, those who think they wont exist after death, are right, but ill get to that later.

Reading this post "opinions about death" got me thinking. lets imagine that there are no ways to die except old age. what triggers our bodies to grow old and eventually die? is it caused by a lack of brain stimulation and too much redundancy from day to day. Is it due to our nutrition over the years? what is the true effect that gravity has on our bodies? just some questions that popped into my while reading this forum and floatin on cloud nine :)

possibly stress and lack of interest in life (happiness)
are quite big factors in this. on gravity, not a clue :)

death is the end of everything ,i dont know why people still debate such things , like death can be compared to going asleep in that when it happens you wont know about it ,thats it simple but hard to take in thats why we have religion for people who cant except these things , if you believe otherwise well thats nice for you nothing wrong with it , I have had lots of these debates with friends and we mull over the same stuff for instance ill say it says in the bible god made the earth in 7 days well 6 he took a break on the seventh day and science proves the earth took millions of years to form and millions more to cool from molten form ,also ill say if god made everything who made god ,but then they say well if you believe in the big bang who made the stuff for that or were did it come from and so on and on we go...
Anyway the trouble for me in people believing in an after life or heaven is that they treat THIS life as something thats not so important ,for me this planet is heaven + hell all in one it can be whatever we choose to make it , if we all get greedy then the earth will turn to a hellish planet fire in the seas and such like , if we take only what we need then the earth has enough for everyone
But just think there is no proof whatsoever of any ghosts or spirits or whatever actually existing so for me its quite simple it doesnt exist like aliens and the kraken a certain portly gentleman in a red cloak springs to mind , i know it is hard maybe impossible to think one day you wont exist in any shape or form and eventually all memories of you will be gone and all the people you knew will be dead but this is a good thing because you still have time to tell them people you love them and hug them so enjoy life thats what its for.

sorry but i once met a man who said he found god when he was 19 and now he was like 75 and he was trying to get me to pray (his dog attacked me on a field so we got talking) i said i dont want to pray i dont believe so he said hed pray for me i said ok (sos not to offend him ) anyway he prayed then he started crying i asked what was up ,he said he had cancer and he was sad because it was unlikley he would be cured . ok 2 points 1 if you believe in god why would you want a cure he has given you illness for a reason surely and besides its your ticket to heaven . 2 Why cry if you belive you go to a better place surely some sort of celebration is in order.
And if any of you religious people even have had a jab this makes no sense at all ,if you truley believe you wouldnt even go to doctors youd be looking forward to death, but sadly this is why even people who say they believe cry at funerals because deep down they know the truth

interestingly rich people often dont believe in an afterlife
and therefore spend all their time aquiring and playing with stuff.
though interestingly they dont often live as long. nor are that happy. (im not talking about every rich person of course.)

again, interestingly, the old priests of the hebrew faith did not believe in an afterlife, but the populace did (sleep till raised and judged, though 2 tries at it)
many such people seek power (to get stuff and pussy, since thats all life has to offer and you only get one whack at it, so no point in doing any actual thinking about anything but the "relevant" stuff)

1 because being sick sucks and he´s christian (and probably unsure of getting to heaven and plus not gonna see his loved ones for quite awhile and he´s probably also not that sure anyway, just believes cause he was raised in that religion.)

2 did you know that only saints go to heaven?
which makes sense, what would change you upon death to make you worthy of heaven? is it heavenly to be around you? (its gotta be heaven for everybody else, yes?)

personally i believe, in reincarnation, heaven, hell (its in the mind and the company of some people, though much more in the mind)
but heaven is in the mind too.
heaven is on earth, along with hell and all between..
i believe in many places to go to when dead.
i believe you can sleep for practically ever when dead. (from this point of view in time anyway)

when talking earlier about energy, i use that term, because i can sense energies (you can too..)
i can even sense emotional energies (you can too, you even react to them, just arent Aware of them)
(person enters a room and the mood immediately brightens or darkens, theirs is the strongest energy in the room)
why call it energy? well, because its more of a flow, a shining, than "form", and i cant call it water, so energy pretty much fits.

why do i believe in reincarnation?

well, observation of people, i find it difficult to believe some talents are just an genetic accident and not something created over lifetimes of interest. including my own.
some things i pick up too quickly and am too advanced for the effort spent in it. while at other things i shitsuck even if they are rather simple (though i do get better at everything with practice (as long as im fucking interested)

am i totally focused on the soul and afterlife?

no, if im eternal, what point is there in looking forward to an afterlife? now is here and here i am.
it wont get any better, unless im better (try smiling at the world and being nice and see how much nicer it is)

if i dont get wiser, i keep on making the same mistakes, what? is god gonna fix me after death? and all people?
send the totally crappy ones to hell and fix the slightly or mostly crappy ones?

how would heaven be heaven with crappy people?
do you know anyone so perfect on the planet that it would be heavenly to be around them? always?
do ya? heavenly for everyone to be around them? do ya?
i sure dont, not even when looking into the mirror.

but id say, some arent far off..
most people are nice. (approached right, you gotta give respect to get respect and you gotta be friendly to get friends)

want to see how close people are to heaven really? see how they treat those who are more small than they (including animals who come easily to heaven, but arent often on earth)
ive been in heaven btw.
and so have you.
happiness Is Heaven. even if its only a glimpse.

how do you get to heaven?

buddha said that suffering came from wrong thinking and i agree with him. want me to explain or does someone else want to do it? (id be interested myself)
jesus said when asked where heaven was

"it is all around you, if you wish it.."

which means.. be good and create heaven, be nice and create heaven, sharing and caring. loving and playing.
playing like children in the field of love.

forgiving the crap of the past in hopes of a better future.

taking small babysteps if we have to, if you cant say anything good, dont say anything. :) whats the point of having lot of stuff if you dont have anyone to share it with?
to play with you?

whats the point of living in a crappy world that doesnt give ashit?
how do i make the world better?

by becoming a better man.
how do i do that?

one step at a time. (if something is too much to deal with, start with something smaller)
dont be a fucking martyr. (as in someone tries to hurt you and wont listen to reason, smack them down (or run dafuq away lol))
be yourself. as much as you can

it would surprise you, perhaps, how nice that person really is, and how interesting.

Read Vonnegut's Slaughter House Five it will do you wonders.

Most readers interested in the fantastic in literature are familiar with Kurt Vonnegut, particularly for his uses of science fiction. Many of his early short stories were wholly in the science fiction mode, and while its degree has varied, science fiction has never lost its place in his novels. Vonnegut has typically used science fiction to characterize the world and the nature of existence as he experiences them. His chaotic fictional universe abounds in wonder, coincidence, randomness and irrationality. Science fiction helps lend form to the presentation of this world view without imposing a falsifying causality upon it. In his vision, the fantastic offers perception into the quotidian, rather than escape from it.
Maybe Emerson, Lake & Palmer were onto something when they sang; "There's no end to my life, No beginning to my death: Death is life."
i died for a little while once, was on life support for like 30 hours all machines. and it seemed like 2 seconds. no clouds, no visions, no nothing. so im 99% sure once you go your gone. No heaven or hell. just blank peacefullness.
so i was wondering and thinking about this subject,We have life and while we are in life we view death in many ways.My thought is that death is a transition not a means to an eternal end ,though this form we currently manifest will cease to be when transition occurs, this much we do understand.While it is my belief that that everything is made of energy condensed to make the form physicaly manifest. Energy that can never be created nor destroyed,we have come to understand this in Science.We only transfer energy or are rearranged when changing forms.In this happening it is unknown if memories of past energy forms could transfer into the new form,yet I do not view as an impossibility,yet that is beside my point.What is death to you?

So what are your thoughts people?

I think the nuclear particles that make up our being in an organized manner cease to be organized when we die, thereby rendering us as though we never lived. Out time is here and now, and never otherwise. There is no life after death; not even one second's worth. Live for the moment, because that's all you're guaranteed.
im gona tell you about a story a true one of my best friends who is older white fellow totaly diffrent on our life specturm he saved my ass but that not the story he was coming home one day from work their was a high speed chase on the free way they let off the helecopter was no were near. they left the car go to recless is what the high speed chase officers sead my budy all american white male looks like a push over but he is a good hearted man. got home from construction jumped in the shower when the police kicked in the door he was in the shower he gets out in his towle and the cops are in his house.. they YELL HANDS UP he had no clue what was going on.. so the cops open fire he died...