Germinating a seedling


Well-Known Member
Like this thread says stay away from the ferts man, can lead to nasty addiction!lol! Plain water, good temps and humidity and you'll be fine for a couple of weeks, should grow a lot faster than mine with that light too. I'll transplant my biggest veg plant in a few days if i remember and hopefully will give you an idea of roots and such just keep doing what your doing as it seems to be working. Peace and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Ok so as previously i said id get some pictures up of a transplant here they are. Gona make this my last set of pictures, veg rooms got to hot again and so has the weather, crazy british heatwave but hell im gona get some new gear and do some new tents, maybe another thread then in a month or so.

Anyway here is a basic repot, soil mix is the same as the seedling mix except this time were gona use some regular multi purpose soil. Potting mix, top mix, bat mix, all purpose etc etc are all the same here they just have more nutrients in than seedling soil and will support stronger growth and roots.

Now the plant i am transplanting was just recently topped and pinched to keep her small but overall this gives you a rough estimate of size of plant per pot. Some seem to transplant way to early but for me this is the perfect size.

So we make our soil mix, perlite, vermiculite, lime and multi purpose soil, make a hole big enough to take the old pot, can place the pot inside like i have shown to make sure you got the right size hole-

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Next, which is hard to show, we gently squeeze in the sides and push up on the bottom of the pot, this should release the roots and soil from its old container. We need the soil to be fairly dry and lightish in weight water wise. More or less pressure may be required but when the plant will slide out you should simply be able to grab the stem and pull the whole lot out soil, roots and all.

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So heres the size of the roots, not rootbound or stunted but had they been left a week or two longer i would have started to notice problems like slow growth and stunting. This plant has had two light feeds in the past two weeks and thats all the ferts it required, it will now get plain water for the next 3 weeks then ferts again but first it needs time to absorb the soil nutrients in the new soil then it will need external ferilization-

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Ok so funs over lets pop it in the hole we made and cover with soil mix, i dont have a bucket to pre mix my soil and simply do it on the spot in the container, i pour soil, perlite and lime and mix to cover the pot as shown, might be easier for you to get a bucket and pre mix that way your not faffing about like me!lol! anyway mix it all in and voila your transplant is done after a good watering. First time in a big pot i would water the whole pot to bed the roots and soil in, get some good runoff and let drain for ten mins. You dont need to water this heavy but it dose help get you off to a good start.

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I havent mentioned cultivation yet either, although not greatly needed on seedlings in small pots although it is somthing i still do religiously, simply get your spoon or fork or even a loose twig and dig uop the top inch of soil so its all loose and airy. This allows air and water to penetrate futher into the soil and will also speed up the drying process giving you more frequent waterings-

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This for me is its final pot, 7inch, and will go to the flowering room in a weeks time. By finish of flower the pot will be just about ready to transplant again if i didnt harvest. If growing bigger you may need a futher transplant before flowering or maybe just use a bigger pot here on this transplant as a final bigger pot size to finish in.

Unfortunatly these will be my last pictures, i too have some work to be getting done and a lot of new equipment to set up and order.

As a closet grower and small time cultivator i have reached my natural progression and seek to ditch the fans and cfls and anything else cheap in aid of some pro gear. If i must say the biggest problem i have experienced over the years its definatly the 'Climate'. Heat and humidity are so important and can screw a amll grow over quickly, like me if you havent added any ferts and plants are small and stunted then it is most likely the heat.

Rule of thumb for me is keep veg plants and seedlings at 25 degrees celcius or under, some say 30c is ok for seedlings but mine are wilted and dying at that temp, 25 is the max for my whole grow, seedling, veg and flower and is a good rule to adopt if your a first time grower, pay attention to them temps.

Anyway i hope some will find this guide usefull, i certainly have kept it as simple as possible, all plants survived and are growing well with no problems even the one i pricked out!lol! Space issues and heat have halted me early on but i will replicate and update in a month or so when climate and gear are better.

Peace, Rep++ and love to small growers everywhere, truly the most challenging and hardest grows with the biggest rewards are those we make in our wardrobes and bedrooms. Kingrow1

Meth On Zombies

Active Member
This thread should probably be stickied, it's awesome information and has a great pictorial on the process, for us lazy folks who think reading causes more problems then they solve.


Well-Known Member
This thread should probably be stickied, it's awesome information and has a great pictorial on the process, for us lazy folks who think reading causes more problems then they solve.
Unfortunatly due to a mini heatwave unexpectedly when it should be cold my veg and flower room really suffered, temps were above 25celcius before lights on and that was during the night. Switched down to some lower wattage bulbs but some damage was done.

All this prompted me to buy a 6inch high powered ruck and STR fan controller from HG/ Hydro Grow UK with some acoustic ducting. Should never have temp problems again. Fan is rated 715m3/hr so should give enough pressure to remove the heat from my 75cmx75cmx120cm budbox mini. I will change to 400watt HPS and buy a proper mini veg tent which i can split my fan and extract from the veg room too. The 400watt HPS is gona be a cool shade and air from the grow room will cool this as well as the grow room.

I got about £400 left to spend over the next few weeks but fan and controller with acoustic ducting should be here in a couple of days.

Obviously i will do some more picture guides when my grow is sorted but until then this one will just slip into the archives. I liked the seedling guide and thought i could have taken it through to the flowering satge eventually so ideas for my next one when my plants rebound. Unfortunatly i am moving from small time grower to serious homegrower, the change will be costly but ultimatly yeilds will be more. Peace


Well-Known Member
Sub'd up buddy:-)
Yer i finished the thread for now but im always here i suppose. Maybe this will give you future ideas of doing small easy guides, all i needed was a camera and snap of a few as i did my grow, plus write loads of stuff but thats as hard as it gets.

I done loads, some crash and burn but some get some intrest, in the end its all fun and these threads are stored in rollitup and get veiwed for years.

I did like this guide though, was fun to do. Shame we had a mini heatwave over here, meant to be almost winter and we get temps up to 29degrees celcius, some nights it was over 25c before lights on and one night i left the lights of as plants were in no shape to have 12 hours of hot lights. Stupid thing is i was just going to buy a radiator for the cold weather, that sucks. Peace


Well-Known Member
More seedling porn.


These ladies are 10 days old now. They don't have much height :) but the leafs are starting to outgrow their pot. I have not given them any nutes as I am waiting till about the 4 or 5 node. This is my first grow but I have been thinking about building a Scrog screen. Not sure what to do. I have a 12 square foot space and all my ten seeds sprouted which I didn't count on. I think I will be transplanting them in couple days. Any input on the scrog or should I just swich them to 12/12 a little early.


Well-Known Member
Ah the choice is obviously yours, personally id flower early or just concentrate on main buds as lower growth aint gona be great with all them plants. Either way its not a bad situation to be in dude, quite the opposite.

As for the seedlings they look all green which is a great sign, very short, little too short but still not a complaint. Few twists in leaves from heat probably but aint a problem from the looks of it and personally i think they got a bit longer in those pots before you need to transplant but that might just be your routine.

Thanks for posting the pics dude, real nice and healthy, about right for ten days. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well i bumped it again, come on new growers start growing some decent seedlings the right way. Peace


Well-Known Member
I noticed the twisted leafs as well, but I don't think its from heat. The grow box doesn't get above 78F with lights on. I just think they are looking for some food.


Well-Known Member
I noticed the twisted leafs as well, but I don't think its from heat. The grow box doesn't get above 78F with lights on. I just think they are looking for some food.
Yer leaf twisting could be anything sometimes, dosent look like anything to worry about and they look lovely and green.

As for them needing ferts i dont see any deficiency yet, if the soil is decent i would say hold out a little while longer or if you have to start of with a low dose first so you can see there reactions to it. Great seedlings none the less. Well grown. Peace


Well-Known Member
Just checked the bottom of the pots and noticed some small roots. I am going to transplant them in a couple days and as soon as they take to the new 2 gallon pots I will give them some food. They will be just over two weeks old by then.



Well-Known Member
Just checked the bottom of the pots and noticed some small roots. I am going to transplant them in a couple days and as soon as they take to the new 2 gallon pots I will give them some food. They will be just over two weeks old by then.

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Wow dude they look spot on, really you cant do much better.

As for transplanting i know you can see a few roots at the bottom of the pot so by all means transplant to new homes but i always wait till i get quite a few roots showing in each hole more or less. This will give you a chance when transplanting to see below the surface, my root ball and soil are firmly held together in the shape of the pot when pulled out and roots on the base of the pot have gone round the edges like two or three times.

Have a look at my pics of a transplant before and compare the root system to yours. Tap root hits the bottom pretty quick but takes time for the rest of the roots to spread through the soil hence why i wait for lots of roots at the base.

Nothing bad would happen from transplanting now as long as no root damage, they will appreciate the space. Have you fertilized these yet? i would say they wouldnt of needed any ferts to get to this stage and ferting would be a mistake. Upon transplant they will get loads of new nutes and you can see how you dont really need ferts for the first few weeks of a soil grow.

Seriously though dude you are a pro at growing seedlings and got it down to a fine art, your plants must love you for it. Peace


Well-Known Member
You may have spoken a little to soon. I watered the plants today as the soil was really dry and when I checked up on them after the dark period some of them have some light green spots and the bottom leafs seem to be droping a bit. Can someone help me out here please. I have not used any ferts yet and watering them with about 6.5ph. They are two weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Its not the water, there not deficieny and i did mention the heat before, im gona say heat and humidity. They look very squat with low internodal space, light, heat and humidity can cause this. They look almost ready for a transpant, more space for the roots to grow might aleviate this problem somewhat.

Transplant and lower temps or raise the lights, how close have you been getting that 400watt MH?? Peace


Well-Known Member
Id say the leaf damage looks like water strees or lack of and heat. Some can push 78f and over some cant. Id transplant, keep light at 24inches, reduce temps a bit and they should be fine.

My veg room is 100watts and at 12inches thats enough for small plants and seedlings, 400watt ought to be kicking ass at 24inches no problems. Peace


Well-Known Member
Thanks King.

I did get some light damage on one plant but since I moved the light higher all is good. I guess I found the sweet spot for now. I have not given any of the plants any nutes yet. Tomorrow is their first feeding. I am planning on giving them .7EC. Just to confirm: My tap water comes in at .3EC so if I want to give them .7EC of nutes my meter has to read 1EC. Is this correct guys.
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