Sr. Verde's: Concentrate Corner

oil shouldnt do anything to rubber. jsut rinse ur lines out real good!..the over flow back into ur chamber is gnarly dude! i over filled my vac when i first bought it and all it did is blow more exhaust vapors out, never came up my line! doesnt even make sence to me dude! is it flowing up while ur vaccing? cause that line should ALWAYS be sucking air not pushing oil up it lol. r u leavein ur chamber under vac pressure after ur turn ur vac pump off?!? cause if u are it only makes sence that the chamber is pulling air back into it with oil straight out of ur vac!..once u turn off ur vac disconnect the lines and release the pressure rite away! i never let my chamber sit under pressure!..hope this helps dude cause thats some shitty shit! lol

Riiiighttt...... The oil travels back, as SOON as I turn the pump off.. and the faster I equalize the pressure, the more violent the flow is.....

I turn off the pump, and start turning the nozzle off to equalize the pressure and I hear the same boiling sound you hear in a tea kettle... then flows back into my chamber....... This last time, I managed to deal with it by raising the chamber higher than the pump I was able to have some flow back down, then I had to slowly equalize and watch the pump oil fizzle in the recessed part of my vacuum chamber.. This last time, I was ready for it to happen, so the only part of my clean chamber that was exposed was the little eraser sized area where the air gets sucked through.

the first time though it blew up back into the chamber and all over the ceiling of the chamber (missed the hash oil some how :lol: went around it and didn't drip back).... I was not expecting that, but to be fair I think I had my hose hooked up to the wrong port (the side one)

I would give this up, and consider it a $300 loss..... if this oil wasn't SO DAMN GOOD! :lol: :lol:

I feel like these electric pumps just dont mix well with food-safe hash oil.... when you consider all the PUMP oil back up im having.... it doesn't seem worth it, or safe in the long run...

For now I sit on these 8g I have and wait til i'm at like 3g to think critically about it :lol:

Should I return this pump TOO? :lol: I got a 2 year extended warranty on it! Guy said I can run it over with the car, bring it back, and get a new one :lol:

Thanks for being in this discussion Gnome Grown!

I think I might whip my next batch to get away from this electric vacuum that backs up oil......I love vacuum purging, but this is some serious bullshit :lol:

OR if FDD2BLK makes a thread, giving away a free pipe to whoever lets their oil dry..... then thats what I will do ;)..... (get on it faded! I'll make a run on thursday / friday for an oil spoon! :D)
gotta ask, why you buy these industrial/shop use vaccum pumps when you could use a food grade vaccum sealer with a canning attachment? they are also cheaper?... just curious!
gotta ask, why you buy these industrial/shop use vaccum pumps when you could use a food grade vaccum sealer with a canning attachment? they are also cheaper?... just curious!
Good question.
Let me say, I have a food saver... with a vacuum attachment.. the white one.. :sleep:

Anyway, it only gets to about 17hg. You will see BHO begin to *inflate* around 22hg... The vacuum pump I am using (similar to gnomes but larger) gets to about 28.5-29hg... as you may have assumed 0-30hg is a measure of vacuum pressure. With 30 being an absolute vacuum, no existence of air.

General Information Regarding Vacuum Purging:

The purpose of a vacuum, is to change the atmospheric pressure that surrounds your oil.... Basic chemistry tells us that by lowering atmospheric pressure, the elements contained within that atmosphere will have far lower boiling points.

In laymen terms: When you suck all the air out, the boiling point of the butane lowers to below room temperature. Now the butane will leave the oil, without being heated, by bubbling/boiling out of the oil. The advantage of this, hypothetically, is to remove the butane from the hash oil, without heating it and potentially removing precious cannabis terpenes (as gnome grown touched on a few posts earlier).

Experiment : If you take a cup of room temperature WATER, and put it inside a chamber connected to a vacuum pump, and remove the air, to a level past about 26hg.... the water will boil, quite a lot.. Once removed from the vacuum, back to sea level pressure... the water stops boiling, and remains at room temperature (never having been heated up, to boil).

This is why people who go up into high atmospheres (Air force pilots, astronauts) have to wear special PRESSURE suits... if their body is exposed to the low pressure, their blood will boil (not good).

Riiiighttt...... The oil travels back, as SOON as I turn the pump off.. and the faster I equalize the pressure, the more violent the flow is.....

I turn off the pump, and start turning the nozzle off to equalize the pressure and I hear the same boiling sound you hear in a tea kettle... then flows back into my chamber....... This last time, I managed to deal with it by raising the chamber higher than the pump I was able to have some flow back down, then I had to slowly equalize and watch the pump oil fizzle in the recessed part of my vacuum chamber.. This last time, I was ready for it to happen, so the only part of my clean chamber that was exposed was the little eraser sized area where the air gets sucked through.

the first time though it blew up back into the chamber and all over the ceiling of the chamber (missed the hash oil some how :lol: went around it and didn't drip back).... I was not expecting that, but to be fair I think I had my hose hooked up to the wrong port (the side one)

I would give this up, and consider it a $300 loss..... if this oil wasn't SO DAMN GOOD! :lol: :lol:

I feel like these electric pumps just dont mix well with food-safe hash oil.... when you consider all the PUMP oil back up im having.... it doesn't seem worth it, or safe in the long run...

For now I sit on these 8g I have and wait til i'm at like 3g to think critically about it :lol:

Should I return this pump TOO? :lol: I got a 2 year extended warranty on it! Guy said I can run it over with the car, bring it back, and get a new one :lol:

Thanks for being in this discussion Gnome Grown!

I think I might whip my next batch to get away from this electric vacuum that backs up oil......I love vacuum purging, but this is some serious bullshit :lol:

OR if FDD2BLK makes a thread, giving away a free pipe to whoever lets their oil dry..... then thats what I will do ;)..... (get on it faded! I'll make a run on thursday / friday for an oil spoon! :D)

maybe put some cotton in the end of your hose to act as a filter to prevent to oil from blowing back.

is your oil over filled? maybe?

i'm doing dabs, right now. brought my comp out back so i could. :cool:
Sr. Verde, might I recommend ...
placing a bleed valve (needle style) in your vac line? When you're done pulling a vacuum, crack the needle valve while the pump is still running. Then, when you turn the pump off, you'll be relieving the vacuum on the intake side, removing the motive force for an oil backup. cn
maybe put some cotton in the end of your hose to act as a filter to prevent to oil from blowing back.

is your oil over filled? maybe?

i'm doing dabs, right now. brought my comp out back so i could. :cool:

Thats a good idea about the cotton.... But it can be quite a lot of oil that comes back out... multiple paper towel clean up style....

My oil level indicator has a max fill line, and a LOW fill line..... I'm at the low fill line when at room temp, then I run it for a little and its probably 1-2mm below the LOW fill line.. So no I don't think it's over filled.

I'm glad your in here! Doing dabs!

You should make that thread, for a free oil spoon or oil accessory... for that 2 weeks dried-only-BHO. :D

I tried to buy that last oil spoon. but someone got there about 15 hours before me and called dibs! :)
Call me tinman cause i love oil

i use a coffee grinder. i do NOT turn it to powder. just a few quick burst on the button to break it all up. you can sneak in keif and hash with the bud before grinding it. then grind it all together. it blends it so it all breaks up evenly and the butane gets a better chance to do it's thing on it. i found a jar of scissor hash one day and discovered this. my wife was standing next to me as it started oozing out the tubing. both our jaws hit the floor.

:eyesmoke: .... 003 (8).jpg 013 (5).jpg 006 (9).jpg
Good call dude, I've got this mason jar full of bubble hash I had no idea what the f to do with........ Next oil run, in a tube it goes!
oth our jars hit the floor.

Oh no :( I hope nothing was in your jars ;).

really though,
great photos.

Have you ever attempted to vac purge your dried out oil to see if anything expands? I'm curious to know if the oil still expands under vacuum even without butane..
Oh no :( I hope nothing was in your jars ;).

really though,
great photos.

Have you ever attempted to vac purge your dried out oil to see if anything expands? I'm curious to know if the oil still expands under vacuum even without butane..

it moves a little, but doesn't really bubble.