BlackHash's Mushroom Grow Journal


Active Member
Hello RIU.

It's been a month and a few weeks since I inoculated some WBS(Wild bird seed) and 4 BRF(brown rice flour) jars. The BRF jars are still colonizing, and the WBS jar has been finished for about 8 days now. After the WBS jar finished, I mixed them 1:1 (colonized WBS : field capacity vermiculite) and put them into a tray, which has been colonizing for those 8 days. Today the tray finished colonizing and I cased it with field capacity verm. Then the tray was introduced to fruiting conditions (put the tray inside my FC). So today marks day 1 for the bulk tray. Let's see how long it takes to fruit!

The teks I am using are the Rez-effect bulk tek, and the PF tek.

Here is a picture of my fruiting chamber(FC).
picture (6).jpg
And then here is a picture of my glovebox.
picture (3).jpg
Here is two pictures of my BRF jars colonizing inside my glovebox. First one with flash, second without.
picture (4).jpg
picture (5).jpg
Here is what the inside of my FC looks like.
picture (1).jpg
Then finally here is my bulk tray inside my FC, if you look closely, you can see a TINY bit of myc poking through :)
picture (2).jpg

I will post the RH on my next post, but for now, they're sleeping.
I am going to fan 5 times a day to maintain FAE, and mist 2 times a day.
The first misting is going to be right before the first fan of the day, and the last misting is going to be before the last fanning of the day.

I currently have 2 strains, only one is in the rotation though.
PF classics (this grow)
Albino A+

Comments? Questions? Post them here!
I sure hope so.
As this is my first grow basically everything is experimentation for now.

I dont see why not, I have seen successful FC's with 10 drilled holes on each side, and with some tyvek over it.
I eyeballed the hole location, and it matched up perfectly with the top of the tray, right where they were supposed to be :D.
I found straight vermiculite to be a rather poor casing but others seem to have more luck with it. I have added about 30 percent coir. maybe more,and a little calcium carbonate.
Yeah vermiculite is definitely not the best casing, but its not bad.
I am only shooting for one flush, which is why I went with the rez-effect tek.

I also have cakes, and with these methods combined I still think I will end up with way more mushrooms than are needed haha.

Edit: forgot to put strains in the main post :p Edited them in but they are PF and Albino A+.
My analog hygrometer reads 80% RH.
What are some ways that I can bump this up to 95%+?

Someone told me that to introduce a better pinset, to keep the RH before pinning to 80%, this makes water from the sub evaporate which promotes a better pinset. But once the mushrooms come out it needs to go back up to 90-99% RH.

Forgot to mention, It is getting a somewhat broken light cycle, but almost 12/12 of 6500k CFLs.
My analog hygrometer reads 80% RH.
What are some ways that I can bump this up to 95%+?
I really want to create the best habitat for mushroom cultivation.


Can't you cover some of the holes with micropore tape?
my question is nooby i guessbut i tried mushrooms only one time and enjoyed. i thought about trying this out but where do i get the spore print? i dont even know about strains i just learned an easy way to try but i need help with that. thanx for any info you can provide
Anyone chillin with you that see's that can guess at what's in it.
If it's black blue green whatever. They have to assume it's old paperwork or Halloween shit or something.