BlackHash's Mushroom Grow Journal

Hello RIU.

It's been a month and a few weeks since I inoculated some WBS(Wild bird seed) and 4 BRF(brown rice flour) jars. The BRF jars are still colonizing, and the WBS jar has been finished for about 8 days now. After the WBS jar finished, I mixed them 1:1 (colonized WBS : field capacity vermiculite) and put them into a tray, which has been colonizing for those 8 days. Today the tray finished colonizing and I cased it with field capacity verm. Then the tray was introduced to fruiting conditions (put the tray inside my FC). So today marks day 1 for the bulk tray. Let's see how long it takes to fruit!

The teks I am using are the Rez-effect bulk tek, and the PF tek.

Here is a picture of my fruiting chamber(FC).
View attachment 1818926
And then here is a picture of my glovebox.
View attachment 1818927
Here is two pictures of my BRF jars colonizing inside my glovebox. First one with flash, second without.
View attachment 1818930
View attachment 1818928
Here is what the inside of my FC looks like.
View attachment 1818929
Then finally here is my bulk tray inside my FC, if you look closely, you can see a TINY bit of myc poking through :)
View attachment 1818925

I will post the RH on my next post, but for now, they're sleeping.
I am going to fan 5 times a day to maintain FAE, and mist 2 times a day.
The first misting is going to be right before the first fan of the day, and the last misting is going to be before the last fanning of the day.

I currently have 2 strains, only one is in the rotation though.
PF classics (this grow)
Albino A+

Comments? Questions? Post them here!

Look at the lights.
No, no one will ever see it that is not supposed to.

And if it was opaque, people would still wonder what the fuck it was with tyvek envelopes taped to the side, lmao.
If I were to put lights IN the FC, I would use a Christmas string light, little to no heat and water proof.
But no, there are no lights inside the FC, it takes light off my ceiling light through the top. Mycelium does not take energy from the light, it just uses it as a pinning indicator and to show the mushrooms where to grow towards, pretty much any type of light will work.
No, no one will ever see it that is not supposed to.

And if it was opaque, people would still wonder what the fuck it was with tyvek envelopes taped to the side, lmao.
If I were to put lights IN the FC, I would use a Christmas string light, little to no heat and water proof.
But no, there are no lights inside the FC, it takes light off my ceiling light through the top. Mycelium does not take energy from the light, it just uses it as a pinning indicator and to show the mushrooms where to grow towards, pretty much any type of light will work.

That's what I thought. On the tutorial I'm using they're using a clear tub with an opaque lid and they do fine.
I'm thinking about doing zombie tubs on my next grow, just because using those eliminates the need to mist and fan, and it also has an amazing pinset.
I just read up on that, do you have a good one that shows a bunch of pics so I can check it out? Seems interesting.
Ok so when I case I have had better results in letting the casing recover in complete dark which is hard to do with a clear container ...usually takes seven to ten days for full recovery and then the rhizomorphic looks ten fold to what it did , heavy heavy flushes but ....thats just from my experience.
Ok so when I case I have had better results in letting the casing recover in complete dark which is hard to do with a clear container ...usually takes seven to ten days for full recovery and then the rhizomorphic looks ten fold to what it did , heavy heavy flushes but ....thats just from my experience.

That's why you just put it in a garbage bag :P
The one I read was completely different. That gave me a good idea though, I think I'm going to make one :P

Just the double tub idea I thought was awesome :) Since the zombie-tubs does the whole life cycle automatically, just fill up a whole closet with like 30 of them bitches and you could shroom a lifetime.
I dont usually case in anything clear

Extremely wise sir. I have just never gotten around to spray painting trays so they are clear. If I incubate in the dark and leave my casing in the dark for a week and a half I rarely have border breaks but a dark container would make it all a hell of a lot less tricky.
That's what I thought. On the tutorial I'm using they're using a clear tub with an opaque lid and they do fine.

Fine isn't the point, it is the pinset that we are after, lots and lots of pins, just barely under the surface of the casing all growing within a few hours of each other. You get the fewest possible aborts, you get a huge first flush and you are almost assured of a comparable second flush. In order to do this you must strongly light only the TOP of the casing, not the sides and not the sides of the container.
Garbage bag is ok for you intial grow through the casing, but after that you need fresh air and light.

Are you saying for my first grow I should do it in the garbage bag, but in the second grow get an opaque tub with a clear lid and use the FAE tek you put in my thread?