Man gets 35 years for making pipe bombs to protect his grow


Well-Known Member
he's been a career criminal for other things than just marijuana...oh fellow maniac :D


Well-Known Member
sucks for him.He'll probably parole in like 15 tho
Lucky for him they are federal charges I guess. I believe that state law here in Maine is no parole. What you get is what you serve, except for "good time".


Well-Known Member
sucks for him.He'll probably parole in like 15 tho
nah..with federal time you have to serve 85% of the sentence..he will not get out til he is an old man...but tough shit he has been making bombs forever and bombs will get you locked up..if the retard just drove himself to the hospital and did not call 911..he be a free moron today.


Well-Known Member
Lucky for him they are federal charges I guess. I believe that state law here in Maine is no parole. What you get is what you serve, except for "good time".
nevemind then lol.No parole in the fed unless your blowing a couple judges


Active Member
nah..with federal time you have to serve 85% of the sentence..he will not get out til he is an old man...but tough shit he has been making bombs forever and bombs will get you locked up..if the retard just drove himself to the hospital and did not call 911..he be a free moron today.
i never drop the b word it can get you in deep shit.


Well-Known Member
i never drop the b word it can get you in deep shit.
Ahmen! and IMO, it should!

It shouldn't be something taken lightly.. especially in today's society you know??

The man got what he deserved IMO.. there's no need to go to that extreme. I mean, pipe B's?!?! Really?! Little crazy IMO.

I mean, I could see maybe if he would have boxed in his grow area with some kind of alarm or trip wire or something along those lines, but not freaking pipe b's.

People like that aren't right in the head IMO... and should be institutionalized.

The man is where he belongs.. prison. ;)



Well-Known Member
There was that other guy who got 18 years a few months ago for shooting somebody in his weeds. That wasn't too far from me either. I wonder how much of this goes on in other states.


Active Member
It's bad enough to get your grow ripped off. But if you injure or kill someone trying to prevent it you face a lifetime of very serious trouble. It isn't worth it. It's also not worth the stress and tension of living in a state of armed response. Especially if you are a stoner dealing with explosives on a hair trigger! :) "I wonder how the girls are doing... lemme check..... BLAMMM!"

It's just money. If it happens get mad, rant and rave about the assholes who ripped you off and what you would do to the motherfuckers if you could... and then move on.


Active Member
Ya dude def where he belongs by looking at his sheet of work lol..Yeah a guy an HR or so from me shot a dude and burried him becuz they came guns blazing at him trying to rob him after he had been robbed like 3 times the last yr and lost nearly 50gs and he got 4yrs(served less than 2yrs) for 4LBS 30,000 and burying a dude how fucked up is that and hes been in prison a few times and know hes back out doing the same shit again these crazy fuckers r the ones that need to be locked up...JMO