Hope you ppl are happy now. I got my moderator status taken away..

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Well-Known Member
and for what may I ask???!?

what the hell am I being accused of now??

You know, the more I sit here and think about it.. the more I realize how lame this place really and truly is.

I got my moderator status taken away from me.. for defending myself and defending my thread. IMO, there are many other mods/admin that need to be replaced.. won't say any names, they know who they are.

I mean, I'm pretty sure I got my moderator status taken because I defended my thread the other day. Someone came in, accusing me of being a racist (really?!) because I had mentioned that there were some 'black families' moving in around my neighborhood.. and it seems that ever since they've moved in.. it seems like there's more heat around my area.. heat that I don't need!

That's all I said..

but.. you know what? If I get my mod status taken away for defending myself.. and deleting the accusers post, in my thread.. BECAUSE he/she accused me of being racists.. and I didn't like that and didn't want it in my thread.. then its just better that I'm not a mod.

That's all I did folks.. the user came into MY THREAD.. accusing me of being a racist.. which I am far from being a racist.. so I simply deleted this users post.. that was posted in MY THREAD!! I took it personally.. yes, because it was a personal issue.. this user was accusing me of something I wasn't.. and I wasn't going to stand for it.

I guess around here... you get punished for defending yourself.. that's the vibe I get from this place.

But, its cool... what goes around comes around my friend. ;)

No sweat off my back..



Well-Known Member
Mod powers are for enforcing the rules of this forum, NOT for silencing people who post things you don't like.


Well-Known Member
That's quite whack, I've always seen you to be pretty fair and informative.

I've seen plenty of stuff removed for harassment and arguments.


Well-Known Member
I'm never happy about anything anymore...so, no...I'm not happy!
Bro.. I feel your pain. I really do...

man, I can't believe I got my mod status taken away for ONLY defending myself.. and deleting a post that was posted in MY THREAD.. which was directed at me personally!! You believe that shit man??? But hey, I look at it this way.. if that's how they run this place, then..LOL.. by god I don't want to be a mod.. LOL.. seriously.

I wasn't even asked for my side of the story!! Freaking lame man.. lame.

Not only that, but some douche-bag actualyl started a thread, naming me... to start a petition to have me removed from mod status. These people don't even fucking know ME!! Like wtf!!!??? Seriously...

But, again... its all good.. if they want to play games and run things like a preschool.. then I'll just have to do without my mod status. I'm not gonna sit and cry about having it removed.. but at the same time.. it does kinda piss me off that I wasn't even given the chance to defend myself..

and again, if this place is going to be ran like a preschool... with whiny kids around here... I don't want the responsibility of being a mod.. period.

I'll just go about my business as usual.. :D There are people/users around here that know I'm a good person.. and that I help A LOT of growers around here.. those people know that I wouldn't do anything unprevoked you know? So its all good..

Brush it off.. my haters are my number one fans. ;) Love my haters..


P.S. - Take care rowlman! *high five*


Well-Known Member
I just saw a homeless person pick a fight with a chicken and get his ass beat...


Well-Known Member
but more to the point of this thread...fuck assholes and trolls man...don't worry about it...if anything this just gives you more time to do other stuffs instead of moderate the children :)


Well-Known Member
That's quite whack, I've always seen you to be pretty fair and informative.
I thought so myself bro.. but apparently this place is ran like a preschool.. as I just mentioned. ;)

its all good.. its users around here like you, that know I'm a good person and would help anyone that needed help.. I appreciate you noticing the good things about me.. instead of just focusing on the few mistakes I have made. I'm only human.. we all make mistakes.

Again, its all good.. just wanted to get the word out about my mod status being taken away for defending myself. I didn't like the users post in my thread.. and I didn't want his post starting a 'racist fire'.. where others would see his post.. and then they would have attacked me as well.. and I didn't want that to happen, so yeah, I deleted his post.. in MY THREAD. End of story..

done with it.

thanks to all my TRUE friends around here.. that know I'm a very helpful person.. and civil person. But around here, there seems to be no such thing as 'equal rights'.. so with that said, RIU can keep its 'mod' status that I had... and give it to someone else.. before long, the new mod will see and experience what I had to go through..

anyhow, to all my 'friends' around here... thanks

to the rest of you.. well, if you don't like me, well.. that's your problem.



Well-Known Member
but more to the point of this thread...fuck assholes and trolls man...don't worry about it...if anything this just gives you more time to do other stuffs instead of moderate the children :)
Ahmen to that bro!! Ahmen!

Thanks for the kind words! :D



Well-Known Member
you were apparently threatening to snitch on members,thats why you had your mod status taken.
if you were threatening to give certain members info to the police,that shit aint cool.


Pickle Queen
Another person crying wolf, dude ur comments were very harsh and innapropriate, it's one thing to debate issues in an adult manner but callling people names, insulting and threatening people does not indicate a very mature person. I luv how people think they can say whatever they want because they have mod status, reality check ur a cyber janitor/babysitter nothing more, demanding respect when all u do is insult and disrespect our members boggles my mind.


Well-Known Member
i find it funny that one person chimed in now everyone is ganging up on him.
Hey bro! Long time no see eh?

Yeah, well.. that's how they do things around here my friend.

Anyhow, just ignore the ignorance.. they'll grow up some day.

and now, on with my daily activities as normal.

I could care less if they talk shit about me or not.. its the internet. LOL...

and on that note, I'm done with this thread.

peace - have a great day everyone.
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