The errors of a first time outdoor grower


In the end, I'll have a decent stash of some decent outdoor - though I started with 16 plants - and before all is set and done, I will have lost a TON through the following missteps:

- planting multiple seeds in same pot, resulting in plants competing for root space
- planting while playing with my dog, resulting in her trampling a small plant, further resulting in it one dieing the second it was moved to its grow space
- planting in a spot open for deer/rodents, resulting in one getting eaten
- planting EVERYTHING in a flood zone, resulting in two plants washed away, 3 plants dieing, and four plants getting dirty
- of the four plants that survived, all which got dirty ended up getting some tricky bud shoots that grew with some dirt around it that led to bud rot.
- had to harvest two plant early b/c of mold and because i was headed out of town for 5 days
- left wife with insufficient instructions on how/when to open jars during curing, resulting in about 2 oz getting mold.

Hopefully this list is done! I'll be on my A Game going forward...


Active Member
We all get better with every grow season just learn from your mistakes and in a few years you should be able to get a pretty good idea of what you need to do to have a sucsefull grow. Best of luck!


Stay on this forum and keep learning milk everyone for information and you will be killing it before you know it good luck...


Active Member
Great post! Priceless lessons and I'm sure next year you will have another list. It's like we say when wheeling our trucks, you gotta get the "stucks" out of the way. My big misstep this year was underestimating those fucking bud worms. Live and learn.. +rep for owning yer blunders :)


Well-Known Member
Live and learn!! Made a few myself.
Bigger pots
night time covering
caterpillar control


Well-Known Member
i lost one due to aphid attack combined with ants defending them, sprayed chemical pesticide, won't do it ever again.

im growing on the roof, almost every single one of my 8 girls fell down at some point (we're talking about 7ft tall roof), 2 of these "suicides" resulted in 1 plant losing almost all branches (he was almost 4ft tall), 1 lost 2 very big branches. now placing stones to prevent wind from knocking pots when they're dry and light in weight.

was too afraid to feed at times, resulting in somewhat deficient plants at times.

and one of the most important but has nothing to do with the growing process itself, i will NEVER EVER again tell ANYONE im growing cannabis.
sometimes your best friends can turn into your worst enemies. this plant can mess some people's minds, it's better that exp. stoners will not know about the growing operation.

that's after a hollywood type script that happend. 2 of my neighboors friends that are smoking stole 3 plants around mid season. i knew it was them, and lucky enough - one of them was stupid enough to show me his own plants after the whole "you see? i have my own plants, i don't need yours". so i stole 3 of his, mine came back the same night.


Well-Known Member
I can add something.

Dont cover plants up with used tarp or plastic. Unless its not touching it. My brother did this and all the top halfs of the few plats had gotten bud rot really fast.

Also. As soon as you see ANY MOLD/ROT or any other fungus cut it out of the bud, if not the whole bud or branch. Be careful not to shake it too much because of the spores number in tens of thousands


Well-Known Member
" i will NEVER EVER again tell ANYONE im growing cannabis."

Best rule in the world.

I find many people find it very hard not to brag about their grows before they are done. Its not worth the 2 min of smiles and ada boys you get.


Well-Known Member
damn, one could run down these posts and just keep hitn "Like"

All good points.

My gripes:
put the fuking deer fence up. it was right there stashed anyway. dont be lazy
dont be lazy, dig bigger holes. big holes-big roots-big plants
straight promix is bad, add perlite.
plants need more than just guano.

there is no way to defeat the mold.....

Im sure there are more. just seems to be the top ones.


Well-Known Member
yes sure..,thats why u have forums.. .brag all u want.. but remember u will get feedback if you dont know what your doing.good and tooke me 3 years of growing outdoor to get it right.. worst thing i ever did is use 5 gallon buckets outside..everyone died...too much water when it rained didnt drain enough,..the worst plant that year out of 40 plants i put it the the end of the year.that was the only plant that made it and it was close to 7 feet...soo now i start early...april if you doing seeds..if you have a indoor place to start befor outdoor. .fuck start in feb or march..veg your plants 3 months indoor befor you plant outdoor... and top multiple times..thats how u get 3 to 5 lbs a plant..your putting a 2 to 3 foot plant outdoors that that 20 tops already....the plant will get 10 to 20 feet high..a small tree!

" i will NEVER EVER again tell ANYONE im growing cannabis."

Best rule in the world.

I find many people find it very hard not to brag about their grows before they are done. Its not worth the 2 min of smiles and ada boys you get.