Thats cool man, I appreciate the feedback, not sure if anyone else is actually paying attention anyway! Not a lot going on at this point. Both the seedlings, particularly the White Rhino are powering on, no more signs of yellowing leaves, returning to a nice deep green. In other news, aphids (green flies) dont seem to like weed?? A vengeful swarm of them attacked my corriander in a nearby window, I was worried they might make their way into the cabinet which they eventually did, however they had a nice wee munch on a couple of cuttings from regular house plants which I was rooting in the box, I removed the cuttings and squashed all the beasties I could find. Over the following days I kept finding straglers roaming aimlessly on the floor and sometimes on the hydroton, but never eating weed. A blessing im sure you'll agree, but a curious one.
Anyway, peace out all. More pics in a few days, and if anyone is actually paying attention, dont hesitate to shout out once in a while.