60 Plant Grow Setup


Well-Known Member
funny thing is................i go back thru pics of my previous years outdoors. seems i have a 1000 pics of the plants vegging, then like 4 pics of them in full flower.


Too many brownies
Well i can only conclude, that the plants looked poor, there was likely yellowing leaf curling and other lock up/ lock out. I noticed in the last picture set he gave it appeared to be a small area of the garage.

Based on all the pest and mildew i bet the plants looked semi sickly thus no pictures.

I also have to bash you trenton for starting a new journal in the middle of this one. Trenton you let alot of people down on the most important part. taking a few finished shots is bullshit IMO

If you vested 10-12 k in this one and a viper, surely you can spring for a camera....

I am not sure i agree with everyone here, or i share thier oppions however you dont build the biggest grow in RIU history them piss on your fan base....
Make tons of empty promises then say ill show you my car...... thats not what 40 thousand members wanted to see......

You couldnt even show the clone dome....... there is busy then there is lazy............

I agree :-?


Well-Known Member
you guys act like he owes you something. pics would be nice, but come-on........i get bitched at when i pull this in another thread. :) no money


Well-Known Member
I dont know about you, but I feel like he ows me several dozzen pictures, I mean. after all the time money and, um, other stuff I've invested into him, his grow and this thread, the least I deserve is a few pics

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
maybe Dalia could post some pictures in this thread. sorta like a halk time show to keep us entertained while trenton smokes a few more dozen bong rips and takes the viper up to top speed with the top down and a gaggle of poon in the back seat...

shit trenton.. maybe you have been posting the wroing pictures all ALONG?

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
He's probably out driving the viper.. Isn't that the year with no roof, no side windows, no doorlocks and the loud ass sidepipes?

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
hmmm I've seen some around town with softtops that the owners had made....Ehhh looked like shit.. I think he keeps it elsewhere though.. I know my showtruck isn't even in the same town as me=)


Well-Known Member
I Live in california. It is garage that is pretty well insulated. The temp goes to approx 55 at nighttime. Im hoping that with a 4 1000 watts i can raise the temp in the 70s. I will get some space heaters if I have to.
Hey you wont need space heaters lol, jsut make sure your soil temp is 70degrees and your leave zone will be nice and tosty! Remeber humidity and tempature go hand in hand! watch both. To solve your soil temp issue, just elevate pots above floor 2-3feet and keep your HPS 25inch alway from top of plant! I know i know people suggest differnt distances, 25inch has worked GREAT for me at my enviroment setting. GL and you will find that this is just the beggining of your grow op, :) once u start you dont stop!!