Bump If You're Baked!

Cassey Jones for breakfast this morning. Very nice pic-me-up buzz, not so good on the pain though...so I ripped off a Headband joint and I'm straight now ( baked is straight for me...lol)
ugh munchies from hell and i just ate half a can of dark chocolate icing man i feel kinda weird

that cant be healthy...but i cant talk im about to light this blueberry swisha filled with lord knows what but its some super dank and bring my ass to waffle house! i feel weird goin in there by myself high as fuck like it feels everyone stares. lol
Bump...Been blazin all day n night.


You know how supposedly J.K. Rowling had like subtle little stuff that she put in Harry Potter? Like Dumbledore is supposedly gay? Neville is a fuckin stoner. He knows his herbs, You never know where he is, unless he's helping out with the main plot. He has a fucked up past. He has a toad...Bufo? He forgets EVERYTHING. Stoner...

Edit: I posted these as videos, but for some reason I'm not seeing it as a vdeo.
bump bump!