Lighting question


Active Member
Ok, I don't know if those pics are really any good, they don't seem to appear as tall and full as what they really are, it's hard to take a pic when the plants are in your face, I can't really step back from them. LOL. I hope I don't have attached thumbnails in every post now. grrr.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I don't know if those pics are really any good, they don't seem to appear as tall and full as what they really are, it's hard to take a pic when the plants are in your face, I can't really step back from them. LOL. I hope I don't have attached thumbnails in every post now. grrr.
Wow, man. Are you shitting me? That looks like a fucking awesome forest. Multi bare bulb vertical hang... That air movement scenario looks like a serious setup too. So jealous. Looks massive. Awesome. rep.

Again, I'm probably gonna have questions for you if you keep this up.


Active Member
Wow, man. Are you shitting me? That looks like a fucking awesome forest. Multi bare bulb vertical hang... That air movement scenario looks like a serious setup too. So jealous. Looks massive. Awesome. rep.

Again, I'm probably gonna have questions for you if you keep this up.
Lol, thanks man. Everyone likes compliments like that, but that wasn't my original intent, lol..I just had to prove to you that I am not a shadow poster, whatever that is, lol......I just wanted to know if a guy could get more or less the same results if he started with t8s,...and then some wheres along the process, switched to hps 1000s.

I've gotten my answer, I won't flower with t8s....I will try vegging several crops with them, but then probably install a second 400 amp service so I can veg with MH. I've got all the ballasts and bulbs, but I went for the cheaper route, lol. You know what they say, ....the cheap and the poor pay twice. lol.


Well-Known Member
Lol, thanks man. Everyone likes compliments like that, but that wasn't my original intent, lol..I just had to prove to you that I am not a shadow poster, whatever that is, lol......I just wanted to know if a guy could get more or less the same results if he started with t8s,...and then some wheres along the process, switched to hps 1000s.

I've gotten my answer, I won't flower with t8s....I will try vegging several crops with them, but then probably install a second 400 amp service so I can veg with MH. I've got all the ballasts and bulbs, but I went for the cheaper route, lol. You know what they say, ....the cheap and the poor pay twice. lol.
Yes, I like your final conclusion very much. I figure you got a grow op (I'm not gonna insult you by calling it a setup) that is the furthest thing from Mickey Mouse, so why not go all the way?

Yes, use MH instead of T8 if you can, and be sure to show us more pix.