Are these seeds ready for soil?

Hi, I just checked on my Ambrosia seeds and I was just wondering if they are ready to be started? They have been in water for 66 hours now.



Well-Known Member
Walter, plant those seeds...period. If you didn't already drown them from having them in water for 66 hours...You can plant seeds as soon as they split apart, and show you that they are don't need to wait for a root to come out, because you can easily damage that root during the planting. If your seeds split open, and you can see a little white tail AT ALL, they're good to go. Don't wait any longer.


Well-Known Member
^ like he said. plant sooner than later. 66 hours is too long to have them under water! roots need oxygen to live. good luck and hope you post up some pics of these ladies


Active Member
Walter, plant those seeds...period. If you didn't already drown them from having them in water for 66 hours...You can plant seeds as soon as they split apart, and show you that they are don't need to wait for a root to come out, because you can easily damage that root during the planting. If your seeds split open, and you can see a little white tail AT ALL, they're good to go. Don't wait any longer.
exactly. you can sow, once the pop.


Active Member
why does everyone make things harder than it has to be, just start the seeds in the fukn soil 3/4 of an inch down and keep it moist, in all my life i have never had a problem.
Lol I wouldn't say its a dumb answer, he just has no clue what he's talking about, I agreed just put the damn things in soil and let it grow, nature has built things a specific way on perpose, think of it as survival of the fittest, if the seed can't pop Outa the soil on its own chances are its gunna be a bad plant, so why try to crack the seed b4 its in the soil, yeah u can have the plant survive almost for sure that way but again chances are you'll have some sort of problem with it somewhere down the line. * hope I do t get ragged on for my answers lol*
Ill hop on the bandwagon n say yeah 66 hours waaayyy too long for that style germination you'd be lucky if they haven't drowned yet, pull em out right away!!!


New Member
We've been over this before walter. I dont think anyone on this site soaks for 66 hours. perhaps he made a mistake and hit the 6 button twice.
Ok, I'm an idiot. I have no growing experience (obviously) and my gardening experience is limited to buying cut flowers and then getting rejected.


Active Member
Ok, I'm an idiot. I have no growing experience (obviously) and my gardening experience is limited to buying cut flowers and then getting rejected.
Bitches don't understand how to appreciate a finely cut flower anymore.

Don't sweat the germinating. Even one of the most exceptional breeders started by germinating the entire marijuana bud.

Sprouting the seeds out of wet buds.

You're not doing to badly.
You're asking for help. That's way better than running your mouth giving horrible advice.

Trust me, i give horrible advice all day.
Lol were just giving u a hard time everyone has to learn sometime and how, they do look fine or did I'm sure you've got them planted by now how are they doing? Pics? updates? I've got sweettooth white widow blue dream and cotton candy, with white rhino and California orange on the way both Nirvana seeds and 2 of each both fems
I kind of lost track of how many days they are at now, but I guess in this picture they have been in the jiffy cubes for about 5 days. One of kind of died I guess and the two that you can't really see, the seed got put in too deep but they are growing. I think I've realized now why my first try failed, I didn't even check the PH of the tap water (well water) and it was around 9-10, so that's why they kind of stalled/died/whatever.

I have a quantum 600w dimmable, when should I switch them over to that? From what I've read I should start them on the lowest setting and then work up.