My SCROG "Grow Cart" on wheels


Well-Known Member
Wow, I never thought this journal would have so many love notes..

Back to the bud.. I like the setup! This is the first ScroG I've seen on here, and I like it.

If I missed anything, I think I read you were cloning?

How did that go?

What did Liz yield the first go around.. if you are that far...?

lol I am cloning and Elizabeth hasnt yeilded yet thanks for the sweet words though


Well-Known Member
lol I am cloning and Elizabeth hasnt yeilded yet thanks for the sweet words though
Any issues cloning?

Did you use powder or gel?


24/7 lighting?

I know I ask a lot of questions.. but I like to learn from people.. I have my own ways.. but I always adapt.

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.. I'd like to see how things transpire.




Well-Known Member
Any issues cloning? ---No issues cloning i was a whiney brat about them but if you read back it was with great sucess my avatar is my Marybeth my1st sucessful clone

Did you use powder or gel? ---i used rootech cloning gel

Rockwool? ----peat pellets in a moist warm pink box

24/7 lighting?----24 w/ a soft floro tube

I'll be keeping an eye on this thread.. I'd like to see how things transpire.---with the grow of the love notes???




Well-Known Member
"moist warm pink box"

Now that shyte is hilarious.. I almost fell out of my chair.

with the grow of the love notes???

Yes, even the love notes.. although, I might just skip past those to get to the good stuff!!!!


Well-Known Member
ummm chocolate cake and raviolis for lunch...****a stoners delight****wish i had some chili cheese fritos!!!


Well-Known Member
****a stoners delight****cheese
You know how I know Im hella high... cuz I came in here and tried to figure what you were **** bleeping out. (Like F*ck.) I totally didnt get it said "a stoners delight" only, I thought there was a dirty word that ended with an A and something bad on the back of delight...

I officially feel like an effen idiot.


Well-Known Member
You know how I know Im hella high... cuz I came in here and tried to figure what you were **** bleeping out. (Like F*ck.) I totally didnt get it said "a stoners delight" only, I thought there was a dirty word that ended with an A and something bad on the back of delight...

I officially feel like an effen idiot.
lmao he he the meal jamie was a stoners delight this stoner me it was my delight lmao ily!!!!


Well-Known Member
i can just hear the guy makin the retard voice..ive got the best ex is always like please god dont let her become a retard..


Well-Known Member
i can just hear the guy makin the retard voice..ive got the best ex is always like please god dont let her become a retard..

I feel bad when I make fun of real retards... I think its cuz one of my friends when I was little was deaf and her sister used to always tease me and say that I was playing with a retard. My deaf friend ended up drowning her self in the bathtub as a teenager.

That was a moodkiller...hahaha sorry.


Well-Known Member
i dont make fun of real retards i love every person odd or cool I love retards...dont be buzz killn jam its monday funday and its st pattys day...I love stutters and lispers too I love speech impediments its a freakish turnon for me..


Well-Known Member
i dont make fun of real retards i love every person odd or cool I love retards...dont be buzz killn jam its monday funday and its st pattys day...I love stutters and lispers too I love speech impediments its a freakish turnon for me..
I like lispers too...hahah I know weird. Monday-Funday?! Hahaha. Right on.


Well-Known Member
we always seem to rock the forum all high and blown on Mondays...ummm lispers and makes me weak to hear a stutter pause over their words tryin not to stutter...umm