Favorite Grinder?


Well-Known Member
I've been looking at this one to buy: http://www.amazon.com/Instapark®-Premium-Quality-Tobacco-Grinder/dp/B0034V052U/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1317954005&sr=8-1
or its smaller cousin: http://www.amazon.com/Instapark®-Premium-Quality-Tobacco-Grinder/dp/B004RR7QPY/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1317954005&sr=8-6

I'm looking for a 4-piece grinder that will grind up dat herb DEM fine. I find that finely ground herb is best for a small vaporizer like the Launch Box (what I primarily use).


Thanks mates :-P:leaf:

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
mine lookes alost exactly like the 1st one u posted only it says aerospace on it.....i took the middle piece (with the screen) out to make it a lil smaller because iv been carryin it around alot lately...

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
depends on quality of weed.....schwag collected nicely (and those metal teeth work through the toughest brick lol) but my nugs ended up sticking to the screen most the time and id have to scrape and tap to actually get somthin through.....i usually just use the bottom for stash spot (spare bud or hash)


Well-Known Member
negative.....shit sticks to my fingers....i drop shit.... every time i use my grinder its nice and fluffy......it even makes dirt fluffy....

True but it's just a fun past time, fingers for regs and mids and grinder for dankidy dankness.
Fair enough, but I hate having thc all over my fingers and wiping them on my pants... feels like such a waste. I'd rather use a grinder.

About that link I posted, in a review on the Amazon page, someone mentioned the holes in the bottom of the grinder were rather big and large chunks were able to drop through. Does anyone know of a brand that maybe has smaller holes? Because I want my weed damn fine. Like... powder, if possible. I find that's what works most efficiently in my vape. Every time I vaped anything larger, checking out the burned pieces showed fully intact trichomes when inspected under a microscope. Even when the whole piece was black/yellow... there were still often intact trichomes. I hate wasting weed when it's so expensive and I can't [yet] legally grow it.


Active Member
Lol i had no idea there were even grinders out there. Shit i might get one.... I usually just do it with my hands, doesnt take too long and its always fun to lick my fingers =P


bud bootlegger
quick question when you break weed up with your hands is some of the THC lost on your fingers?
of course it is, although i don't think it adds up to very much honestly..

but that's why grinders with a kief screen rock.. after a month or so of constant use, and that fucker will pay you back ten fold, lol..


Well-Known Member

love my space case.. :)
I googled that... they are literally unbelievably expensive.
(btw your pic is broken)

i dont personally use one but if i had a choice i would use the windmill grinder
Care to post a link? Google didn't help much. Do you mean like one of these?: http://www.amazon.com/Down-to-Earth-Herb-Mill/dp/B001T6JUYG

Diamond grind hasn't failed me

quick question when you break weed up with your hands is some of the THC lost on your fingers?
Definitely. I can taste it.

of course it is, although i don't think it adds up to very much honestly..

but that's why grinders with a kief screen rock.. after a month or so of constant use, and that fucker will pay you back ten fold, lol..
It's definitely significant, I should check out my fingertips on a microscope next time I use them as a grinder...