Dont take lsd to trip balls


Well-Known Member
Wait a fucking minute here, the title of this thread is "don't take LSD to trip balls", now how can I say anything in this thread about perhaps TAKING LSD to "trip balls" that would be more of a buzzkill than the title of the thread?


Well-Known Member
Wait a fucking minute here, the title of this thread is "don't take LSD to trip balls", now how can I say anything in this thread about perhaps TAKING LSD to "trip balls" that would be more of a buzzkill than the title of the thread?

on and on and on and on and on ...


Brick Top

New Member
Aren't all codpieces antique?
I doubt it. I can't believe that antique codpieces are purchased for actors when one is needed for a part. I doubt that people who are in Renaissance Fairs spring for an antique codpiece. Replicas are made of almost everything that is old. I can't imagine that someone doesn't make codpieces to sell to tourists and others.

For the heck of it I took a moment and Googled codpieces for sale and found this.

Codpieces are no longer the reserve of ultra-fashionable men as ultra-fashionable women are sporting ornamental codpieces with a black pant or colourful codpieces worn casually with jeans. Several fashion houses launched their codpieces – this season’s must have – recently and so far four have been spotted on red carpets at premieres in Hollywood and London. Unfortunately the cost of these items is prohibitive for many – who among our readers could afford over £3.5million for a Damien Hirst, diamond encrusted number?

I guess that answers your question.


Well-Known Member
I doubt it. I can't believe that antique codpieces are purchased for actors when one is needed for a part. I doubt that people who are in Renaissance Fairs spring for an antique codpiece. Replicas are made of almost everything that is old. I can't imagine that someone doesn't make codpieces to sell to tourists and others.

For the heck of it I took a moment and Googled codpieces for sale and found this.

Codpieces are no longer the reserve of ultra-fashionable men as ultra-fashionable women are sporting ornamental codpieces with a black pant or colourful codpieces worn casually with jeans. Several fashion houses launched their codpieces – this season’s must have – recently and so far four have been spotted on red carpets at premieres in Hollywood and London. Unfortunately the cost of these items is prohibitive for many – who among our readers could afford over £3.5million for a Damien Hirst, diamond encrusted number?

I guess that answers your question.
It does in the extreme.