Should we have an Ebb and Flow Sub-Forum?

Should we have an Ebb and Flow Sub-Forum?

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Well-Known Member
I'm just special wetarded...

What I mean about the separation thing is that there are a lot of things that are universal....not matter how you choose to grow(lol...guess thats what the general growing forum is for) So we could still miss out. Don't get me wrong, I still want to do it.

Mr Green Man

Well-Known Member

A couple of sub forums might be good though.

General Hydroponics


Drip/Ebb and Flow

Maybe somthing like that.


Well-Known Member
they should all be in a category of their own, ohh and have a general area too. that way people can go into specific areas and get exclusive information pertinent to their hydro system!

whats the use debating this anyways? how many votes do we need? who has to make the final decision, mr.rollitup himself? how did you do the voting poll? what if i wanted to start a thread like this, how would i go about it?


Well-Known Member
we need to put together more of a wiki type place, i dont really know how to explain it, but that would be the shit imo.

more of a knowledge base than a Q&A session.

dont get me wrong, I like forums, but sometimes I wish all the answers had been distilled and presented in a really easy to read and navigate format, instead of searching through hundreds of posts for the specific situation that I may be having at any given moment, or posting a question and waiting literally DAYS before any meaningfull reply is made.

I would just rather read I suppose.


Well-Known Member
more of a knowledge base than a Q&A session.

I would just rather read I suppose.

your wish has been granted! two more left!!! lol give that a shot, lots of good stuff and you dont have to read other peoples bullshit and nonsense that doesnt pertain to growing.


Well-Known Member
we need to put together more of a wiki type place, i dont really know how to explain it, but that would be the shit imo.

more of a knowledge base than a Q&A session.

dont get me wrong, I like forums, but sometimes I wish all the answers had been distilled and presented in a really easy to read and navigate format, instead of searching through hundreds of posts for the specific situation that I may be having at any given moment, or posting a question and waiting literally DAYS before any meaningfull reply is made.

I would just rather read I suppose.
Well, I'd suggest footing the bill for a MJ-Wiki.. right now, we have this.

Seperating the forums would help immensely.


Well-Known Member
There is no way RIU will give everything its own sub-forum...its just stupid. There are other sites out there that have everything broken down into its own section. And you know what...theres like 5 people in each area(exaggeration I know). It just doesn't work well. Something like Mr. Greenmans idea may work, but once they do one,soon everyone will be asking for their own sub-forum. I didn't really think about everything that came with a sub-forum when I started this. There are too many similarities between all the systems to separate them.. ie:nutes(for the most part), lighting, and water!! to name a few. I still wish I could have a place with all ebb n flow posts...but I am not sure if its likely to happen.


Well-Known Member
so this thread is pretty much dead and i should unsubscribe because theres no use of supporting your initial idea?????


Well-Known Member
There is no way RIU will give everything its own sub-forum...its just stupid. There are other sites out there that have everything broken down into its own section. And you know what...theres like 5 people in each area(exaggeration I know). It just doesn't work well. Something like Mr. Greenmans idea may work, but once they do one,soon everyone will be asking for their own sub-forum. I didn't really think about everything that came with a sub-forum when I started this. There are too many similarities between all the systems to separate them.. ie:nutes(for the most part), lighting, and water!! to name a few. I still wish I could have a place with all ebb n flow posts...but I am not sure if its likely to happen.

I can come up with so many ways to layout each and everyone one of these.. in fact, I've been doing that for weeks.. trying to find the most efficient and inexpensive one to build.

If each type of hydro op had its own sub-forum then things would be much easier to find and ask questions.. not only that, but share information.

It wouldn't take much to divide them.. after that, it is up to us to use them. I know I'd be in each one!




Well-Known Member
so this thread is pretty much dead and i should unsubscribe because theres no use of supporting your initial idea?????
lolhaha I don't know...if a hundred people or so say yes I bet they'd do it. Have you decided how you're going to grow yet? I said before, I still think it would be cool...I'm leaning towards making 3 different forums in the hydro area. I still havn't asked RIU to see what he thinks...I've been busy. I'll do it in a bit. I wouldn't say there is no use, just be prepared for rejection:cry:


Well-Known Member
lolhaha I don't know...if a hundred people or so say yes I bet they'd do it. Have you decided how you're going to grow yet? I said before, I still think it would be cool...I'm leaning towards making 3 different forums in the hydro area. I still havn't asked RIU to see what he thinks...I've been busy. I'll do it in a bit. I wouldn't say there is no use, just be prepared for rejection:cry:
i think im going to do a drip/nft/aero unit!!! lmao, let me explain- its going to be like FF aero system except instead of having the misters in the root chamber im going to tap a drip line into the "supply line(it will be in the root chamber)". this drip line will then go through a hole in the top of the 6"pvc pipe and then to a dripper stake in a net pot!!! probably hard to follow unless you are me.... lol.... ya so its going to drip into the net pots, the roots are going to get the nft effect, and it looks like FF aero unit! lol i guess its not really like an aero unit, but what the heck, sound kool right!

so heres the benefits; smaller pump than aero, no disposable medium, less heat in res because the pump is lower wattage, roots can anchor their selves to the supply line and i dont have to worry about roots clogging up misters, if my supply line to drip line connecting isnt 100% it will only drip into the root chamber, excellent growth(i hope anyways), & ummmm thats all that comes to mind right now. i havent bought any supplies as of yet because im still doing alot of brainstorming and researching! but this way is tickling my fancy the most as of now.....


Well-Known Member
i think im going to do a drip/nft/aero unit!!! lmao, let me explain- its going to be like FF aero system except instead of having the misters in the root chamber im going to tap a drip line into the "supply line(it will be in the root chamber)". this drip line will then go through a hole in the top of the 6"pvc pipe and then to a dripper stake in a net pot!!! probably hard to follow unless you are me.... lol.... ya so its going to drip into the net pots, the roots are going to get the nft effect, and it looks like FF aero unit! lol i guess its not really like an aero unit, but what the heck, sound kool right!

so heres the benefits; smaller pump than aero, no disposable medium, less heat in res because the pump is lower wattage, roots can anchor their selves to the supply line and i dont have to worry about roots clogging up misters, if my supply line to drip line connecting isnt 100% it will only drip into the root chamber, excellent growth(i hope anyways), & ummmm thats all that comes to mind right now. i havent bought any supplies as of yet because im still doing alot of brainstorming and researching! but this way is tickling my fancy the most as of now.....
Pics of yours when it is done!

We'll do a little comparison.. mine is not to far from completion...


Well-Known Member
Pics of yours when it is done!

We'll do a little comparison.. mine is not to far from completion...
lol, yo, i guess i didnt put it in the last post. im just brainstorming, i havent bought one entity for the build yet!!! lol, im in no rush.

maybe ive reinvented the whell? aye? lol jk, im sure someone has done this b4. ive never seen it b4, though. its just a top feed NFT, in pipes, with internal supply lines, to ensure no leaks!