War Flashbacks...


Well-Known Member
Ok, so aside from the people who are already guilty, and who have flashbacks because they remember the murder and carnage, I think there are two reasons people have war flashbacks when they trip or otherwise.

1. In war there are definite teams and people ready to kill for you, and people ready to take bullets for you. But I think they trip when they come back, because that's not how it is here. Your friends may be just as close to you in terms of "brotherhood" as the guy that pulls a gun on you and ends your life. They may even be the same person, and I think that freaks them out.

2. The other reason I think people have flashbacks is because people seem to be really, really proud of their kills. When you trip, or if you think hard enough about it. That pride could very, very easily turn to guilt.



Sector 5 Moderator
I don't have flashbacks.


New Member
I get flashbacks all the time of something really really bad that happened to me. Just every day things remind me of it and parts of it flashes through my mind. I try to forget it but I just can't and I probably never will 100% forget it. My Dad was in the military, he was held captive and beaten daily, little food and little water. He gets flashbacks from that.

On a separate note, one time we were driving downtown and a car backfired or something, just made this boom sound and my Dad almost jumped right out of the car while we were going 60 km/h

You tend to forget the good and remember the bad


Well-Known Member
What is it like?
I am allways scanning everywhere for people and movement, I guess you would call it shifty or jumpy, i'm allways looking around and looking at everyone, and I can't sleep, and I don't like people or trust them or fell connected to them


Well-Known Member
I am allways scanning everywhere for people and movement, I guess you would call it shifty or jumpy, i'm allways looking around and looking at everyone, and I can't sleep, and I don't like people or trust them or fell connected to them
Its called Hyper vigilance Part of Post tramatic stress....if you dont see anyone get VA to get someone for you bro
It was a humiliation but I went for help


Sector 5 Moderator
I laugh at death. I've looked into it's blood red eyes, and smelled it's foul breath. Then I told it to get the fuck outta here.


New Member
Hell, I got PTSD and I wasnt even in the military. Every time something reminds me of a negative experience my mind fires adrenaline and enters fight or flight mode. I am in a constant state of rediness for shit to hit the fan at any moment. There are alot of triggers for it but it began during an extended period of fearing for my life, relatively the same as soldiers in combat.
All I can say is this, you have to take charge of it. Remember you are in the states (for military) and shit, if the shit does go down, then it's gonna happen. Ain't nothin you can do about it....... but it don't hurt to be ready.

Focus and try to stay centered. Meditate and focus on inner peace. Enter a dialog with your creator and strive to do right in all things.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
Its called Hyper vigilance Part of Post tramatic stress....if you dont see anyone get VA to get someone for you bro
It was a humiliation but I went for help
nothin to be humiliated about bro

fuck what people think...its yur mind that has to deal with it , not thiers


Well-Known Member
That sucks. I had a bad realization about a girlfriend that made me have to break up with her, and I was tripping. So the realization just like, turned to a bad trip. But like that shit was still in my brain after the trip. For weeks it felt like what happened to Will Smith in "I am Legend" happened to me. At first everything is fine and happy, families alive and well. Then all the sudden your the only human left, and the whole world is just trying to metaphorically eat your brain. I started noticing everything bad about everyone, right down to their indifference. And it scared the shit out of me. Like, my sister had a little ginger friend that we were all pretty sure was gay, and he would never hurt anyone, ever. But I could see him learning to lie, and enjoying it, and thinking it was really fun. Like just being around him I noticed it, and I noticed things like that about everyone that I had never noticed before. And everyone is really bad. But I had to get over it and realize not everyone is a grasshopper trying to eat the butterflies. Some people are butterflies too. I know that grasshoppers don't eat butterflies in real life.


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, this country needs a good civil war again!

i was watchin some show about the civil war and was actually thinkin we should do it again haha
You know the first time it was about greed. It wasn't about us being bad people for having slaves, it was about the South making WAYY too much money. The South was making like $54,000,000 a year in Cotton and that was like 40% of the Souths trade. And this is when 1 dollar was equal to more than $20 of today's money. The North was just like, "Nah, nah. Those Hillbillies can't come up like that." And they fuckin beat us. Ass holes.

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
You know the first time it was about greed. It wasn't about us being bad people for having slaves, it was about the South making WAYY too much money. The South was making like $54,000,000 a year in Cotton and that was like 40% of the Souths trade. And this is when 1 dollar was equal to more than $20 of today's money. The North was just like, "Nah, nah. Those Hillbillies can't come up like that." And they fuckin beat us. Ass holes.
yeah the funny thing was 80% of the rebel soldiers never owned a slave...but they faught to be patriotic

now thats pride

another dumbass thign was one of the Gettysburg battles was lost on a free'd slaves land...pretty ironnic when you thikn about it right?

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
I am allways scanning everywhere for people and movement, I guess you would call it shifty or jumpy, i'm allways looking around and looking at everyone, and I can't sleep, and I don't like people or trust them or fell connected to them
this is me not on weed,

on flashback note childhood friend stiill wont talk about what happened