War Flashbacks...

Dizzle Frost

Well-Known Member
I am allways scanning everywhere for people and movement, I guess you would call it shifty or jumpy, i'm allways looking around and looking at everyone, and I can't sleep, and I don't like people or trust them or fell connected to them
walmart and shit is a big nogo for me, i havnt been to a niteclub in years...even lil kids running around a store makes me wanna leave...half the time i forget wtf im there for unless i make a list ...my dogs are my best friends


Well-Known Member
Dogs are great animals. I'm glad we brought them in to live along side us, even though it made them probably pretty useless for the wild.


Well-Known Member
You can feel connected to me. :)
No Homo.<3

Antisocial FTW.
I am allways scanning everywhere for people and movement, I guess you would call it shifty or jumpy, i'm allways looking around and looking at everyone, and I can't sleep, and I don't like people or trust them or fell connected to them


Well-Known Member
.. there is only one beardo.. ^_^ Orange afro.. AK 47 above his 8-pak.. hangs arond RIU.. you may know him.


Well-Known Member
The one here talked on this thread, that's why I mentioned it here. He is the only other person I've seen with that as a name for anything, ever.


Well-Known Member
Has he ever played guitar for Nick Swardson, on Comedy Central? I was watching "Pretend Time", and he mentioned "Beardo" looking like something. And the guy he called Beardo had a white guitar, I don't know if it was bass or reg. But his hair was similar if not the same as the guys avatar, and he had facial hair. I don't remember what exactly though.

smokey mcsmokester

Well-Known Member
I suffer from PTSD, The HV is what I hate the most (over alert and always ready). Now , more than ever, when I take one toke over the line, I have killer anxiety attacks where it feels like my heart is going to explode, pretty sure that's from the PTSD too... I hate meds, The VA insists I take them but the last AD I was on landed me in the hospital with pancreatitis....


Well-Known Member
My step dad woke up and screamed a few times...but the never had bad flashbacks,he never talked about it at all but a few times . He was a bad drunk, but a hard worker,he was an iron worker and never missed a day of work but drank 1/2 gallons like water everynight. He used to pass out at the dinner table and mubble shit about eating in Cambodia...he carried an AR-15 or AK-47 around the house at night....we had guns everywhere. But he did go through some shit.
Getting drafted at 17,18 years old, trained for 6 weeks and thrown out of a hellicopter had to be hell. I think I had more nightmares about it than him.
He did tell me once about having to hit kids with the butt of his gun because they were grabbing his legs...his buddy lost his head the 1st day 2 feet away from my step-dad. I couldn't imagine. I respect him alot for that, even though he treated me like shit, he was a great provider and good to my mom.
My real dad was a draft dodging shit eater that only had me to avoid going.Thanks to all vets and you who serve now.