The Coming Of Cheesus


Well-Known Member
3eyes how long has your flowered so far?
5 weeks today i think, this bud is from lower down the main tops are real fat on all 3 of the cheesus very uniform in size and shape if i didn't know different i would of said they were clones.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
First day off in a long time, sit and relax in the closet haha.

10/5/11 Took the strings off of her and pretty much standing straight again except for a slight list but it could be worse. Seems to have fully recovered and pretty much drained the res eating the nutes up. Mixing up some more and letting it sit out over night before changing it. Damn tap water here comes out at 198 ppm, gonna go shopping for a R.O system soon.
Got a look at the Trichomes and they are all still nice and clear at week six, check em again in two weeks til I get a 5050 milky/amber.

Let me know what Y'all think of the pics case im fluckin up somewhere .


Well-Known Member
It has a ceramic filter inside to reduce up to 99.8% of contaminants and the additives you find in UK tap water and even some bottled waters it is supposed to be housed under the main sink of the house to filter all drinking water but the plants need it more than me and the kids lol so it's housed in my groom not sure of ppm but the EC is 0.1 i'm sure it's helped produce some sweet tasting weed


Well-Known Member
any basic carbon filter will do wonders a 15 inch Everpure GAC will do you, ceramic carbon too -all the RO systems thats cool but its taste cyst heavy metals down to .05 microns in those and I think it's too much. even after that if say you ran an expresso machine you would have to run a reverse filter that adds minerals to the water. How do I know? I spent nearly two years at a desk selling filters to all over the world. i am not a horticulturalist but I would say go with the simple solution first Occam's razor if you will. there is a company down in Florida called holidayhouse, they cannot sell to you wholesale only but they can look up who in your area carries what you need and give you the info. I have dealt with them before, nice folks, could even give a bit more info on the filter world.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
any basic carbon filter will do wonders a 15 inch Everpure GAC will do you, ceramic carbon too -all the RO systems thats cool but its taste cyst heavy metals down to .05 microns in those and I think it's too much. even after that if say you ran an expresso machine you would have to run a reverse filter that adds minerals to the water. How do I know? I spent nearly two years at a desk selling filters to all over the world. i am not a horticulturalist but I would say go with the simple solution first Occam's razor if you will. there is a company down in Florida called holidayhouse, they cannot sell to you wholesale only but they can look up who in your area carries what you need and give you the info. I have dealt with them before, nice folks, could even give a bit more info on the filter world.
Thats some good info definitely gonna check that company out. Won't worry about it too much til its time to flush then I'll probably run to wal- mart and buy ten gallons of distilled.
Sorry bit stoned 'mate, so would you say the one I posted the link for would be overkill?


Well-Known Member
yeah that would be one pampered plant with that set up. Talk to HHD guys first, the one who owns the company started with a filter production co as I recall, his staff can dial you in right. Where I live the water is awful and one nice carbon filter is all I use for me and the plants and of course the cat, who owns the place.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
yeah that would be one pampered plant with that set up. Talk to HHD guys first, the one who owns the company started with a filter production co as I recall, his staff can dial you in right. Where I live the water is awful and one nice carbon filter is all I use for me and the plants and of course the cat, who owns the place.
Well if I get it would be for when I start my perpetual grow (plus I feel like we waste to much on bottled water for ourselves) Because I'm somewhat of a perfectionist. I've already got the website bookmarked gonna give em a call after I get off work tomorrow and see what they suggest.


Well-Known Member
water. You know T boone pickens the oil billionaire? yeah largest holder of water rights in the western hemisphere. Bastard is just waiting for us to get thirsty.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
So, I took a sugar leaf from six different parts of the plant. All of them have clear, milky and the beginning of amber in them. All of the lower buds pistils are solid orange and the top buds are about 75-80% orange. So hopefully in another week I can start the two week flush. Or maybe grow for another two weeks and flush for a week well see.


Well-Known Member
PIC? need inspiration. I have my lauging buddha cheese in flower - will never lst that strain again, it just wants to be fat short and left as that, so I have six clones in the mc gyvered clone station that when ready and veg'ed for a few weeks I will flower and let lolipop looking for goood one foot buds of all of them :). I bet you could start flushing them out now imo those leaves turning yellow at all?


DWC/Bubbleponics Mod
So you only got a couple weeks to harvest eh? Make sure to remind me when you do if you can remember to remind me LOL

Other than that looking awesome so far


Well-Known Member
Got some milky trichs on mine too on 1 of them the hairs are starting to turn orange by my calculations they still have another 4 weeks to go i was hoping that they would all finish at the same time so i could cut and dry them in my groom but it looks like 1 may only go 8 weeks i have 2 freeze cheese 89 that may be ready at 8 weeks to

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
PIC? need inspiration. I have my lauging buddha cheese in flower - will never lst that strain again, it just wants to be fat short and left as that, so I have six clones in the mc gyvered clone station that when ready and veg'ed for a few weeks I will flower and let lolipop looking for goood one foot buds of all of them :). I bet you could start flushing them out now imo those leaves turning yellow at all?

I'll post up some excellent pics tomorrow for you to give me an opinion on. I contemplated flushing now but I want some amber in them this time. No they are getting a lighter shade of green but overall very healthy though I noticed growth has stagnated hoping this last week will put energy into maturing the trichomes etc. Yeah they are way too fat and stout for lst, though topping it seems to take to well. let me know how they clone, if she finishes at eight weeks and smokes well then may buy it again for the perpetual.

Niko Bellick

Well-Known Member
Got some milky trichs on mine too on 1 of them the hairs are starting to turn orange by my calculations they still have another 4 weeks to go i was hoping that they would all finish at the same time so i could cut and dry them in my groom but it looks like 1 may only go 8 weeks i have 2 freeze cheese 89 that may be ready at 8 weeks to
A few white hairs left on mine but mostly orange caramel and starting to shrink back to the bud alil bit. Yeah its nice to harvest everything at once. I almost got the freeze cheese 89 (as its my birthday)